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"You guys makin out back there or somthing?" Jack asked and Stella and I looked at each other and then nodded.

"What?" Lucas and Jack said at the same time and we all laughed. "So what time are we meeting at Jacks?" Lucas asked us.

"Well my mom wants to take me out for lunch" Stella spoke and Jack nodded. "My dad too." Jack sighed.

"We can just text each other when were all free." Stella nodded and we all nodded. She handed everyone a cigarette and we all stood by the car and smoked.

"This has been a crazy half year" I told all of them and they nodded. "But I'm glad that I met you" I spoke and smiled. "Aww. Us too" Lucas told me and Stella hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"It definitely wouldn't have been the same with out you" she hugged me again and I hugged her back. We talked for 5 minutes and I grabbed my bag.

"Ok. No later than like 8. Your spending the night right?" Stella asked me and I shrugged. "I can if you want me to" I told her and she nodded.

"Cool. I'll probably get drug money too" I told them. "Good. I can't wait. Have fun" Jack told me and I nodded. "You too. Be carful" I pointed at them and they all nodded.

I turned and walked off towards the front of the school and I saw my family standing at the front looking for me. "I can't see her" Cameron sighed.

"She's short but not this short. She said like 5 minutes right?" Eric asked and I walked over and punched him.

"Ow. Found her" Eric rubbed his arm and glared at me. "What happend to 5 minutes?" Cameron asked me and I shrugged. "Got held up" I spoke. "And I am not short. I'm almost taller than you" I told Eric and he shrugged.

"Wheres my boyfriend?" I asked and looked around. "I literally told you not to kill him" I chuckled and they all laughed. "We didn't. Lover boy had to go" Ryan spoke and I nodded.

"Told us to give you this" Toby held out an envelope. On the top it said "Open when you're alone" I smiled and put it in my bag.

"You're not gonna open it?" Jay asked and I shook my head. "It said open when you're alone. That's what I'll do" I shrugged and they sighed.

"Told you we should have opened it" Matt sighed and they all looked at him. I smiled and shook my head. "Well what now?" I asked them. "Home?" Cameron asked.

"Were gonna get fucked" Mason cheered and we all laughed and piled in to the cars and drove to crack head house. We got out and we got inside.

"Uh. We didn't really plan this out if I'm gonna do any sort of anything I'm gonna need to take this off" I spoke and looked down at my gown.

"Yea me too" Ryan spoke and looked down at his fancy shoes. "Meet back in an hour" I spoke and hung on to Matt as I took my shoes off. "An hour?" Eric sighed and I nodded.

"Come on Cam" I spoke and walked to the door. "What?" They all said in unison and Cameron scrunched his eyes brows. I stood up and looked at him.

"Dont you wanna change? Were going to the same place remember" I told him and all the boys looked at him and he walked over to me. "Of course" he cleared his throat and he opened the door.

I walked out and I heard whispers and he shut the door. We walked to our house and a couple people honked as they saw my cap and gown. It was quiet and Cameron had looked ahead the whole walk.

"So why were you guys late?" I nudged him and he quickly glanced down at me and then back up. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck.

"Mason didnt wanna get outta bed. Jay couldn't find his shoes. We all needed to shower. Ryan didnt iron his clothes. Toby was yelling" he spoke and I smiled and hummed.

"Well your lucky I didn't win any awards" I told him and laughed. I saw him smile a little bit. "I'm glad you were there though" I told him.

"Yea you should have seen your face" He laughed and I smiled. "I'm pretty sure Matt caught it on his camera. He said it was a click bait master piece" he told me and we both laughed again.

"Yea I bet. Then forgetting the diploma. Good thing I didn't fall though." I pointed at him and he chucked and nodded.

"Yea good thing. Then it definitely would have went viral" he laughed and I pushed him a little. He stumbled and walked back over. It was quiet again as we walked. I saw the house a few blocks away and I looked at the ground.

"What did Levi say to you?" I asked him. "He told me sorry. He didn't mean to undermine me. He didn't intend on it. He was sorry 3 more times and then uh left" he spoke and trailed off.

"What did you say?" I asked him and he looked didn't at me. "I told him he was cunt" he shrugged and I looked up at him.

"Told him I dont know how any one could think that was ok to do to you." He spoke again and I looked at the ground.

"At the end of it he told me somthing and it almost struck me dead" he chuckled. "What did he say?" I asked Cameron and he shook his head.

"No tell me" I told him and we walked up the stairs to the door. Cameron got out his keys and stayed quiet. "Cameron" I spoke and stepped in front of the door.

"He asked me if he could marry you" Cameron blurted and he smacked his hand over his mouth and I gasped. My heart raced and I felt a rush.

"What did you say?" I asked him and he sighed and put his head in his hands. "Bee I told him I wouldn't tell you. I. Shit" Camerin spoke and I smiled and grabbed Cameroms arm.

"You said yes. You said yes didn't you" I asked him and he looked at me and smiled a little bit. I squeaked and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Oh my god. Cameron." I spoke and I hugged him and his arms went around my waist. I stopped and I felt my throat get tight and tears fell down my cheeks. I smiled and closed ny eyes and more fell.

"You weren't suppse to know" he told me quietly and I laughed. "I can be-" I spoke and cleared my throat and backed up as I wiped my eyes. "Very persuasive" I took a deep breath and smiled.

He stood up and nodded his head. "You said yes didnt you" I poked his stomach and he waved me off and turned to the door.

"Yes. I said yes" he spoke and unlocked the door with a sigh. I giggled as we walled in the door and I shut it. I dropped my shoes and my heart was racing and I thought I might explode.

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