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"I didn't see the message what did it say?" Ryan asked me and I shook my head.

"About me skipping" I smiled and he nodded as I handed it back to him. He set the whole thing up and gave it back.

"Thank you a whole bunch Ryan" I spoke and put the credit card in my pocket.

"First thing to buy. A wallet" he told me and I smiled. "Oh my God ridge wallet is having a sale right now. Use code Misfits" I told him and we both laughed.

"Dont you start" he pointed at me. I put my hands up and chuckled. "I'm goin over to crackhead house" I told him and he nodded.

"Be careful. You have to go to school tomorrow" he told me as I walked to the door. "I know" I called and laughed.

"Only Mason is at the house" he added. "Ok bye see you later" I shouted and I walked out and shut the door. I started the walk to the boys house and I got out my phone. I texted Levi.

Me: Hey thanks a lot. I almost got caught.

Levi 🤮👞: I mean you and that ass can get caught in my room any night.

Me: Really love the 🤮 in your name. Definitely my thoughts when I think of you.

I saw the three dots and they disappeared. That was stupid. Ugh. I sighed and I looked at it for a second then put it in my pocket. Then it buzzed and I got it back out.

Levi🤮👞: So you think of me. .

Me: Only when I look at ugly shoes.

Levi🤮👞: Your gonna have to get better at this stuff. I could teach you if you invite me over.

Me: You're, and no to that one. I gotta go.

Levi🤮👞: Call me tonight. 😁

I got that weird feeling in my stomach again and I looked up and I was almost there. What was it with him. I mean his hair and his smiled. His eyes. Oh his eyes. Stop it Bee. Ugh I shook my head and I got to the door and I knocked.

"If you knock one more time I'm not gonna answer the door" Mason swung open the door and I smiled. I walked in and he shut the door.

"Come in come in. What's mine is yours" he gestured to the room. "Aren't the guys recording the podcast?" I asked him and he nodded as he sat on the couch.

"Yea well. I was tired" he shrugged and I sat in a chair. "So that guy" Mason squinted at me and I looked at him.

"You were so butt face drunk I know you don't remember" I pointed at him and he smiled. "You're right" he sighed.

"Cam told is what happened though so HA!" He pointed at me. "Nothing happened. I threw up on the guys shoes" I groaned.

"And today you skipped school" he put his hands up. "If this bad streak keeps going were gonna have to send you to church or somthing" he put his hands up and leaned back on the couch.

"Hmm. Yea" I rolled my eyes. "Wanna play video games?" He asked me after a second. "Yep let's go" I nodded and we ran to his room. We played for a while and I heard voices come into the house.

"Be quiet and pretend were not here" he whispered and I laughed and nodded. "Mason!" I heard Eric yell and then foot steps.

"Ugh" Mason sighed and the door was flung open and Eric stuck his head in. "We got Chinese food. Were gonna call Bee" he spoke and his eyes landed on me.

"Never mind" he spoke and my phone started to ring. "Shh shh" I told them and I grabbed my phone. Cameron was calling me. I picked it up and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered and looked at Mason and Eric. "Hey Bee. I'm at the Boys house. We got Chinse food for you. Come over" he spoke.

"Ok. I'll be over In like 30 seconds" I spoke. "You can't make it here in 30 seconds" he told me.

"Wanna bet?" I asked him. "Ok 20 bucks. As soon as we hang up" he told me. "Ok. Deal" I spoke and I stood up and hung up the phone.

I ran out and I ran to the front door and open and closed it then ran in to the kitchen. I breathed heavy to tried and make it believable and the 4 others stood there in awe.

"How the hell did you do that?" Matt asked me. "20 bucks" I held my hand out to Cameron and he sighed and pulled out a 20 and gave it to me.

"She was already here Cam" Eric walked in with Mason and Cameron gasped as I shoved the money in to my pocket.

"Ha ha" I laughed and he sighed as the rest of them chuckled. "How was your day you school skipper?" Jay asked me and I sighed.

"Pretty good" I nodded. "How was the podcast? Again?" I asked them. "Well someone was to tired to record" Eric mocked Mason.

"Do you wanna go cunt?" Mason asked him and Eric smiled. I was passed food and we all started to eat. "Podcast was fine." Toby shrugged.

"Did we talk about jacking off or have a rant about how bad PUBG is?" I asked them. "Pubg isnt bad. It just has flaws" Cameron told me and I put my hands up.

"We talked about if the earth was flat" Matt shrugged. "Oh again?" I asked and they all nodded. "Are we still stuck on the whole half hallow semi circle earth?" I asked and Mason looked at me.

"Do you wanna go?" He asked me and I smiled and shook my head. "Enough. You are not gonna fight anyone" Cameron spoke and we all looked at him.

"Sorry dad" Matt waved his hands around and we laughed. We ate our food and Cameron and I were getting ready to leave.

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