Chapter Nineteen

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I decided I'm not dressing like I did last time. After I read a chapter in my book for school I start to get ready.

I pull out a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt to match my black vans.

I get dressed and curl my hair before putting on some fresh makeup.

I check my phone to see a text from Bailey that says, "We should talk. I'll come by later."

I instantly delete it and put my phone in my pocket before grabbing my car keys.

It's only four o'clock but I'm starving, so I decide to go get something to eat before I meet Clark. 

I get to my car right as I see Collin walking across the grass. I don't really want to talk to him until I decide why he acted out about the thing with Bailey, so I get into my car instead.

I go to start the engine and all I get are clicks.

Great. My battery is dead.

I hit my head on the steering wheel and take a deep breath when I see my light switch is on above my head. Of course.

I'm startled by a peck at my window, so I open the door.

"Car trouble?" Collin says without any emotion.

"Dead battery." I say.

"I see that. Give me an hour and I can boost it off for you."

Still no sign of any emotion.

"That's okay. I'll go to Clark's room to see if he's home."

I shut my door behind me and start to walk across the grass to the dorm rooms. I'm not going to Clark's room because of the risk of seeing Bailey, but I didn't want Collin to know that.

He doesn't say anything else, he walks back toward the direction he was going in the first place.

I text Clark and let him know that my car's battery is dead, and that I have to deal with that before I go to a party. 

He responds about 15 minutes later and tells me that he'll be here in an hour to fix it.

I'm in my room, reading over another chapter when there's a knock at the door. I open it to see Bailey.

"What?" I say.

"Let's talk."

I turn and walk into the room, motioning for him to come in and close the door behind him.

"I don't know what happened, Emory. I'm so sorry. I love you and I can't lose you." 

He tries to grab my hands but i pull away, "I don't want to be with you anymore, Bailey."

"Is there someone else?" He asks as he grabs my hands again.

"No, Bailey--" 

We're interrupted by knocks at the door.

I stand to answer it after I tell Bailey to sit on the floor, avoiding my bed.

I open it to find Collin.

"Hey, I fixed your car and I was just going to let you know that before you paid someone to do it." He is wiping his hands on his jeans when he notices Bailey.

"Who's that?" He nods over my shoulder, still no emotion present.

Bailey hears his voice and stands from the floor, "I'm Bailey, her boyfriend," he reaches his hand out to shake.

Right as the words leave his lips, Collin's eyes go black.

He stands straight. "You're the piece of shit that put his hands on her?" He walks past me and into the room, anger clear in his voice.

"What?" Bailey responds, "I didn't hit her."

"Yeah? Then what the hell is that bruise on her arm from?" He points at me, but never takes his eyes off Bailey.

Before he can respond, Collin takes Bailey by the collar of his shirt and pushes him against the wall, knocking the breath from him.

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