Chapter Ninety-Five

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I look at him with pure anger. "Is it funny?"
He stops. "It is, actually," he says, "you know we have feelings for each other, so why fight it?"
I can feel my anger boiling to the surface. "You say that and then you tell me we shouldn't see each other!"
He pulls the truck into the dorm parking spots and shuts the engine off. "I think we should talk when you aren't so worked up."
Worked up? I roll my eyes at this.
I step out of the truck and start to walk to my building. I can hear him following.
"Leave, Collin," I say without turning.
"I'm just going to walk you to the room, unless you want me to stay?" He asks.
"Absolutely not," I say as I open the door.
"I can text you tomorrow, okay?"
He's changing moods on me. He's went from cocky and confident, to sweet and innocent. I don't like it.
"No, that's okay," I say. I dig around for my room key.
"I will anyway," he says.
When I reach the top of the stairs I turn around to face him. He's not there. I hear the door in the main lobby close, signaling that he's dropped me off and left.
How dare he break up with me then demand I not see Mac. I can see whoever I want.
I open my door and quickly change into pajamas. I brush my hair out and flip onto my bed, letting the cool sheets relax me.
I drift off to sleep with thoughts of a new life. A life without curly haired boys.

My next few weeks pass by fast. I went to see Mac and Clark play football the next day, and I used the weekend to study. Class came and left throughout the week, and I managed to get most of the work done early, avoiding lecture.
Collin texted me everyday to see if I wanted to talk. I ignored every one of the texts.
He came by my room as well, but I didn't answer. He cursed under his breath and stomped off every time.
I started my job last week. The other employees are nice, and I made a few friends. I've already gotten my first paycheck, and it's more than I thought.
It's been two weeks since I seen Collin in person and I am afraid that I can't stall it any longer.
It's Thursday now, Mac texted me to let me know that he'll come by before the party to drop me off some dinner. He invited me to go along, but I'm going to the doctor to get my cast removed.
I dread getting it taken off. I've always heard that an area covered with a cast gets super small and nasty. I've never broken a bone before, and this is all new to me.
On the other hand, I'm excited to have my hand back. I'm a little nervous as well for my jaw, because they're going to put me to sleep for a few minutes to align my jaw in place to avoid a growth plate from shifting wrong.
Clark has agreed to drive me, since I'll be waking up when I'm all finished.
I grab my purse and throw my hair into a bun right as he knocks on my door.
"You all ready?" He asks when I step outside.
"I guess so," I let out a nervous sigh.
We begin to walk down the hallway as I take out my phone to confirm the time.
"Stop worrying. The whole thing takes about five minutes to do," he says.
"Why do I have to be put under?"
"It's either that or you can be awake for it, but I figure you don't want to feel it."
I shutter at the thought. He's right. I'm just ready to have this all behind me.

When we pull into the office I'm a nervous wreck. I tried to calm myself down, but the closer we got, the worse I felt.
Clark signs for me in the waiting room and I'm left with my thoughts.
I wish Collin were here. I miss him, oddly. I shouldn't, but he makes for good company when I need a distraction.
"Miss Shay?" The lady at the door calls. I give Clark a worried look and he smiles. "I'll be here when you get done."
I walk to a small room with the lady.
"Let's get that cast off, first," she says. She opens a big drawer and shuffles around almost endlessly.
"Here we go," she says as she pulls out something that looks to be a saw. "This won't hurt a bit."
She turns the machine on and it sounds like a saw. I almost flinch when she connect it to the hard cover on my arm.

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