1. Saw You

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Today I saw her. I was boarding to go to Australia in my short vacation. I booked a business class ticket as i really wanted to be alone and be on my own without any disturbances.

She was there. Sitting next to me. She didn't see me or even didn't look at me. A flight attendant helped her to put her hand luggage in to the upper storage. She sat on her seat and made her self comfortable.

Her face was flawless. She had a long black hair. Her eyelashes were long, lips were pink. She buckled the seat belt with her long fingers. Dressed in a blue denim and a yellow high neck sweater.. A living goddess..

"Sir please fasten your seat belt. We are going to take off" a pretty flight attendant smiled at me.

I nodded and did so.

For an instance she looked at me. I felt like I was truck by a lightning. But she looked away.

Plane took off and everything came back to normal. I was feeling something really strange that I my self couldn't understand what it was. She was searching for some thing to watch on the tv screen infront.

Oh! A Walk to Remember... I too love that movie!

A/N ***  Dear friends, This is my first fanfic in Wattpad. Sometimes it may feel like little bit boring but please be patient and read ahead.  😁  Thank you!

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