9. Concert

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Truly I was nervous...

I have never gone to a concert alone. Since yesterday, I thought that i wouldn't go there, but Taehyung gave a call to remind me that he will be waiting for me..

He was so busy. I could feel that through his voice. So how can I not go?

There was a huge crowd infront of the dome. Does he have so many fans here? I guess this dome has the capacity of 15,000 people! Among them, how can he possibly find me!!

I went to the VIP section and showed my ticket to the counter. One person standing there saw this and told something to the person at the counter.

"Miss.. please come this way. He will guide you to your seat"

Oh Tae has not forget that I'm coming.

I felt bit relieved.

I followed the person in to the dome. It was really huge and beautifully arranged. People were already gathering and taking their seats.

I walked behind the person.

"Miss.. this is your seat. Please be comfortable and enjoy!" He smiled and bowed. Then he left.

A front row seat! I have never been seated in a front row, this much closer to an artist. I sat in my seat and checked around. People were gathering and the dome was 3/4 full already. It has another half and hour to start the concert.

Shall i text him and say that i came? Nah! He might be busy and won't have time to check on me.

"Hey did you come?" My phone blinked.


My heart skipped a beat... Among all the busyness, he remembered me.

"Hey! Yes I did... Good luck!" I replied

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