11. Question

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He was amazing... He sang so lively... Danced so perfectly.. Everything was perfect because he was perfect...

I enjoyed a lot. Never had the feeling that i came here alone. Like he promised... I never felt lonely..

My heart was on fire as he looked at me so many times... I felt like he sang the final song for me, but I might be delusional...

He has so many fans than I can imagine... I'm just a friend to him. As just a university student, I'm nothing compared to him.

People were standing from their seats as the show comes to an end. It was one of the best days of my life which i will never forget.

I stood up from my seat. It was time to go home. I will talk to Taehyung later, since he might not be able to talk to me today. As i was going to walk out a person came to me.

"Miss.. can you please come with me. Mr. Taehyung asked you to take you to him" He whispered.

I was taken aback but I agreed to come with him. I came to the back stage where back up dancers were getting ready to pack up. All of them were getting ready to finish off the busy day they had.

The person was taking me some where kind of secretly. Not that i didn't feel scared but i followed him. He stopped in front of a closed door and knocked twice.

"Come in" It was Taehyung.

I felt relieved.

"Miss.. please go in" the man signed and left after bowing.

I opened the door and there was him. Smiling...

He seemed happy but there was a glimpse of tiredness in his face.

Suddenly he came rushing to me and hugged me tightly. I wasn't expecting that...

My heart was beating fast as he said "Glad to see you Tzu... Thanks for coming"

I nodded while in his arms and managed to whisper this....

"You did well...."

He released me from the tight hug but kept his hands on my shoulders. His eyes were sparkling....

"Can you come with me to my house today? I really want some one to talk... Please....?"

Stars On Their Own (A TaeTzu FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now