8. Invitation

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We went to my favorite restaurant in my car. I didn't want anyone else, not even my manager to accompany us. It was a good place to eat without disturbances.

We talked about so many things while eating. I understood that time is flying when I'm with her. She is combination of fun and deep thinking. I have never felt this much free by talking with any other one. Somewhere deep down in my heart, I knew that i can trust her more than anyone else.

On the way back to her hotel I invited her to come to my concert, which was scheduled to be held on coming Saturday.

"Oh thanks for inviting me. But.. the thing is i will be all alone there" she said thoughtfully.

"No.... I'm there" I smiled while looking at her face.

"Yeh but I have never gone to a big concerts alone"

"I promise you won't feel alone. Oh here is the ticket". I took a ticket out of my note book. "You are a VIP guest"

"Thanks Tae.. since you promised, I'll definitely come" she said with my favorite smile.

Even though I didn't want to be separated from her, I dropped her at the hotel she stays. Today I have rehearsal for the upcoming concert and therefore I drove to the company.

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