27. Surprise

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Tzuyu woke up as she felt something heavy on her chest and stomach. As she opened her eyes and looked at her self, Taehyung was sleeping peacefully..... head on her chest.. one hand across her stomach.

She smiled alone as she remembered last night mixed with love, sweetness, wildness and pleasure.

When Taehyung asked her to marry him.. she was already over the moon...

She agreed with happy tears in her eyes and Taehyung's kisses lead them to make love...again..

Tzuyu ran her fingers through his soft hair..He didn't wake up but snuggled more  comfortably.

She remembered how they first met in the airplane.. how he started talking with her... How he expressed that he is in love.....their first kiss.... All the love he showered on her.... "I'm so lucky" she thought. Again she watched his handsome face... "I will love you till my death Tae...."

01 month passed

"Tae I got a call from US music Corporation. They wanted to work with us!" Jimin was so excited to break the news. He and Taehyung was having lunch at their studio.

"Oh my god! Were you able to arrange a meeting with them?" Taehyung was so excited as he always wanted to work with a foreign musician.

"Yeh.. They were planning to do a produce a song with you and..... guess with who!!"


"Mariana Arandel!"

"What!!" Taehyung could not believe what he heard. Mariana was a worldwide famous singer in USA. It will be a super blast if she works with a korean artist.

"Let's do this Jimina! I can't wait to tell this tis to Tzu.. she will be so happy!"
Tzuyu opened the door at the same time Taehyung trying to press the code in to her house. Even though they decided to marry each other, they decided to live as before till their marriage.

Taehyung hugged Tzuyu tightly.
"You know..I have a happy news" Taehyung said while kissing her cheek.

"Oho... Tell me what's that" Tzuyu wrapped her arms around him.

"Mariana Arandel wanted to work with me!"

"What! Omg Tae!! That's a super great news! I'm so happy for you"
Tzuyu was so excited.

"Thanks baby girl" Taehyung pecked on her lips. " We are having a meeting next week with her"

Author : Things gonna change dear readers... Life is not always beautiful 😔
But thanks for reading and voting my story.
Ah for the silent readers, Thank you too 😊

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