32. Falling Apart

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"Tzu..." I whispered.

She stood there motionless. I was feeling scared. I know her very well. I know that look in her eyes. She is determined about something....

"Baby... Please listen to me" My voice was lifeless. I don't want to loose her. I don't want "us" to be apart.

"Tell me" she said. "Explain to me"

She is not Tzuyu I knew. She is like a stranger.

"You are my one and only love." Tears were filling in my eyes. " I don't want anyone else. Please... Please trust me Tzu"

She stared at me and raised one eyebrow "So?"

"Um.. I... I didn't cheat. She tried to provoke me. I never wanted her. NEVER!" I wasn't good with handling words as panic was overshadowing me.

I took a step towards her and she started to back off.

"Did you kiss her?... Did you sleep with her?" Her voice broke in the middle.

It took a lot of courage to answer her. I don't want her to misunderstand me neither lie to her.

"No! No.. I didn't. But...."


"But she kissed me. Tzu please I didn't wanted to. You have to understand me. It happned so suddenly and i was confused. You must have heard her saying nasty things.. B...But I pushed her away an..."

"Stop!" She screamed. I saw hate in her eyes. No! please... I never saw her hating me. My heart was hurting so much.

"Tzu please listen to me" I went ahead and touched her cheek. She immediately backed off and pushed my hand away.
"DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T COME NEAR WITH YOUR DIRTY HANDS!!" she shouted as her tears rolled down on her cheeks.

My head was hurting so much and I don't know what went through my mind. I grabbed her shoulders and shouted at her face "DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!" I kisses her lips so hard and she tried to push me away..resisting...

But I'm stronger than her and I'll never let her go. I tightened my grip and hugged her so hard.

Eventually she gave up to my kisses and I don't know how long we kissed. As we pulled apart she cried, hiding her face against my chest. I slowly stroked her hair as my tears were unstoppable.
I can't bear to see her crying. It's all my fault and I should have known what kind of a woman is Mariana.

It's true... I didn't feel anything when that woman kissed me. But Tzuyu is right. I feel that I'm a dirty man. A rotten person I became from the touch of that woman.

Finally Tzuyu lifted her head.

"Taehyung... I think I need time to think. Maybe I should trust you or maybe I shouldn't. But how am I supposed to trust you when I heard what happened in that hotel room. How can I think that you didn't sleep with her?" She pulled away from my embrace.

"Please... Please go home"

Fear was entering in to my heart and whole body. She is a innocent, sweet girl but beneath that, she was a strong girl. I was scared... So so scared of loosing her.

"Tzu... Please don't leave me" I begged. "Promise me please...."

She took a moment seems like iternal to reply me.

"Sorry Taehyung, I can't promise you"

Author : I know it's an emotional rollercoaster, but love gets stronger as it faces obstacles. So be ready for something amazing..... 💜

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