28. Foreigner

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"He is so sexy and well built"
Thought Mariana.

"It's not a waste of money to travel there and meet him. I cant wait to see his sexy eyes, and everything about him is so inviting. Why I got to know him so lately!"

She was watching a music video of Taehyung.

"Meet Mariana" Mr. Peter, Mariana's manager, introduced her to Taehyung.

"Hello I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you"
As Taehyung hand shaked with Mariana, she was mesmarised with the man stood in front of her.

"Hello..." She said. "Let's do something really good together"

As the two groups talked about the project, Mariana secretly observed Taehyung. To her, he was perfect.. perfect than any man she was with before. She knew that she is beautiful and any man would like to have her. So she was confident.

When they were wrapping up the meeting Mariana talked to Taehyung.

"We have a long way to go together. err..I mean in producing the song... So why don't we get to know each other better? I would really love to have a korean dinner" she said sweetly.

Taehyung thought for a moment. He really wanted to go to Tzuyu and tell her these exciting details. But Mariana was a guest and it will not be nice to say no.

So he agreed and asked Jimin to reserve a place for dinner. On the way to the vehicle, he called Tzuyu.

"Baby I have to go with Mariana for a dinner out, so I'll be late to go home"

"It's ok Tae.. enjoy the dinner" Tzuyu replied as she is now used to Taehyung's busy life.

"Not as much with you" He smiled. "Love you..."

"love you too my Taetae"
Tzuyu hung up while laughing to her self.

Mariana was standing behind him. "So he is a lovely man! Even he is busy, he called his girlfriend" Mariana thought. "I love it!"

Theu had dinner in a nice restaurant. Taehyung invited Jimin and Mariana's Manager to join them. Mariana was unhappy about that, but she couldn't do anything.

"I guess it is better to shoot the music video in US" Mariana suggested while eating. 
"As it's a romantic song, there are locations that I have in mind to shoot certain scenes".

"Let's decide that after finalizing the script of the music video" Taehyung said thoughtfully.

Author : I know it's a boring and short chapter. But please continue to read it and don't loose hope. I have something in my mind and hope it'll come out better.
I appreciate if you comment on this story to know whether I'm doing well in writing.

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