22. Freedom

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Tzuyu was hugging Taehyung tightly in her sleep. Taehyung's head on her chest, arms around her. They felt comfortable in their own warmth.

When Taehyung opened his heavily puffed eyes, he could feel a motherly warmth. He looked up and saw Tzuyu sleeping peacefully. He who lost his parents, found not only a lover, but also a new mother from Tzuyu.

Tzuyu opened her eyes. They were so heavy from last night cry. As she looked down, she saw a pair of eyes staring at her.

Her cheeks got reddened as she felt shy.

Taehyung brushed her cheeks softly.
"Baby, let's talk about our future today. I want to plan everything with you. Are you okay with it? Can you apply a leave from office?"

Tzuyu nodded. She knew it will be hard to face her office mates after the news broke out. She was new there and had only few friends. She couldn't imagine how will they respond to this news.

Taehyung dragged his body up and kissed Tzuyu's forehead. She smiled and looked in to his eyes.
"Don't worry about me as I'm totally okay"

'Lier. My sweet little lier'  He thought.

Tzuyu prepared breakfast and both ate together silently. It was the first time Taehyung stayed in Tzuyu's apartment and it was the first time he ate a full meal prepared by her. He felt like home.

As both of them went back to Taehyung's place, all his staff, make-up artists, choreographer and Jimin came to meet him. Tzuyu sat beside Taehyung and listened without interfering their conversation.

She got to know, that after the news was published Taehyung went back to the agency and bashed the CEO for his back stab. The CEO has said that he didn't want to coverup the news as Taehyung was already leaving the company, so it will be a waste of money to pay the gossip site. Taehyung signed the termination documents right at that time and ended every connection with the HSE.

She felt so heart broken. Her lover went through a very hard time.

"It's all because of me" she thought.

But she is helpless and all she can do is loving him selflessly.  That's when she determined to continue "I'm okay drama" in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung and his staff decided to post a letter to all his fans in Instagram where he was active. Since there were no scheduled programmes for coming month, they decided that time will heal the damage this incident did to his career.

"Guys!" Taehyung said finally. "Thanks for supporting me at this time. Let's start working on our new songs right after two weeks"
He looked at Tzuyu. "so for two weeks I will be taking a break from all activities. So let's hope for a good future and you guys enjoy the two weeks holiday"

They all greeted and hugged together and said good bye to Tzuyu and Taehyung.

After they left, Taehyung turned to face Tzuyu.

"Baby, it's time to talk about us"

Tzuyu waited a moment. "Tae..."

Shivers went through Taehyung's heart as she spoke.

"I think you have to talk with my parents" she paused.

"They are asking me to come back"

A/N ** I feel like ending the story soon, as I'm feeling down. I guess my writing is not good enough and I should stop writing 😔

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