30. Frozen

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As I came in front of Mariana's door, she opened it as she was waiting for me.

"Come on in" she invited.

Her penthouse was luxurious and was really beautiful. No wonder she is a billionaire and it showed in all her furniture. It's true that I'm so wealthy, but her wealth might be much more higher than mine.

"So this is my house. I can see you like it" she laughed like a small kid.

"Yes it is so beautiful" I said honestly.

She sat next to me "Thanks!"

I could see her wearing makeup. She is a really beautiful woman with a petite body but with fuller features. She was ranked as one of the most sexiest women.

I tried to forget what I was thinking and She was watching me carefully.

"Ok what do you like to have? Wine? Beer?"

"No thanks! Actually I'm not good in handling alcohol"

She laughed "ok then coffee or tea?"

"Tea is good"

As she stood and went to the kitchen I looked around. The view was pretty nice. It was getting dark as it was an evening. When I turned my head Mariana was right in front of my face. She kept the cup of tea on the table....without breaking the eye contact.

"You are so handsome Tae" she whispered in a sexy way looking at my lips.

I felt so awkward as I backed off and took the tea cup.
"This is not good" my mind started to give warnings.

"Thanks" I said.

She sat again, her knee was touching mine.

"Have you had any other girl friends before?"

I took a sip of tea.
"No.. Tzuyu is my first..." I placed the cup on the side table. "and will be the last"

"Oh" she mouthed. "Things can change you know".
She touched her bare legs. She was wearing a really short dress with a deep neck.

"So what do you wanted to discuss?"
I wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible and to go back to my room.

"Ah.. let me show you another mv of a new song that I did. The story was nice and I suggest to add a scene which i will show you now in to our song as well" she took her phone and searched something.

She came near me as she gave the phone to me. I looked in to the screen and I could feel her breath hitting my face. She was close... Too close. I wanted to leave this place.

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