6. Home

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Taehyung's penthouse was very beautiful and luxurious. No wonder he is famous as well as so rich.

But why his voice always feels sad and why his face looks sad? He is very handsome but some how i see sadness and loneliness underneath his beautiful face...

"Your house is so beautiful!!"

"Thanks... Do you like it?" He asked with a smile.


Oh no! I blamed my self. There is no need to LIKE HIS house!!

But his face was lit with happiness.

"Soo what would you like to have? Tea? Coffee? Or fruit juice?" He asked.

"I'll have anything you like" i said without thinking that much. The view i see through the glass windows were very beautiful.

"Then lets have tea" He went to the kitchen and i followed him.

"Are you living alone here?"i was curious.

"Yes. A maid and a cleaner comes to cook and clean."

"Your parents?"

"They died few years back"

We both went silent.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

Taehyung turned to my side with two tea cups. "It's ok". sadness was all along in his face.

I don't know why i had a feeling to make this man a happier person. He had everything except happiness. In my life all i wanted is to be happy. No matter what, i tried to be happy and make others happy. Even though I'm not that much of a social person, i always helped people and they loved me back.

I wanted him to be happy..

"Hey show me around your house" i said enthusiastically.

"Ok lets go"

We took the cups and walked slowly around the house

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We took the cups and walked slowly around the house. It was so beautiful, clean and magical.


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"Tae... Its beautiful" I told him honestly. I imagined him with his wife and kids, in this house... Happily.

"You know Tzu... I bought this house thinking that some day i will live with the love of my life here till the death apart us" He was looking far away through the window. "But now I'm alone here"

"Hey cheer up! You will achieve your dream some day!"

He turned and looked at me with his deep gaze.

"You think so....?"

I nodded but my stomach was knotted with an uncanny feeling. My heart was beating fast. I know my cheeks got reddened.

"But I'm scared. I'm scared to love. I'm scared that people will judge and hurt my love. I'm scared that she will some day leave me because of that"

"Don't think like that..." I said like a whisper. "If you truly love her and she truly love you back, then no one can hurt you two. Because you are strong together"

As i was talking and looking at his eyes, his expressions changed. I nervously bit my lips and couldn't stop looking at his lips....

Stars On Their Own (A TaeTzu FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now