5. Us

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I heard my phone rings. I couldn't believe my eyes..


"Hello..." My voice trembled.

"Hello.. Is this Mr. Kim Taehyung?" Her voice was like a calm music.

"Yes.. is this Tzuyu?"

"Yeh.. So how are you Taehyung? I thought you have forgotten me" she laughed.

How can i ever forget you....

"No no absolutely no. I was busy with my work. That's why i couldn't call" I lied. Even though i was busy, i didn't have guts to call her.

" I'm here in Korea now."

My heart burst with happyness.

"Really? When did you come?"

"Day before yesterday. I'm kinda free today. That's why i remembered to call you"

I wanted to see her so badly. But how? I won't be able to go outside freely as other people. Is it ok to invite her to my home?

"Tzuyu I really like it if you can visit me. I can come and pick you. "

"Um ok..."

"Where are you now?"

I hurriedly got ready and went out in my disguse.

There she was! Standing like an innocent princess. I saw some boys were looking at her. No wonder everyone fall for her.

I rolled down the shutter.


"Hi" she waved.

"Hop in"

She is right next to me. I wanted to hold her hand so badly. But we are just friends. She trusted me. I should not do something bad.

"We can have some tea and have a good chat at my place. Shall we?" I asked.

" Ok sure" she nodded.

On the way I eventually opened up to her. I didn't want to hide anything.

"Tzuyu... I'm sorry I did not call you. I know you are not that in to music industry, but it is a stressful environment."

She was looking at me in such a way that i really wanted to kiss her....

I looked ahead of the road to wipe out that feeling.

"You know.. um here popular idols cannot live a free life. They are judged. Always... Not by genuine fans but by others. It is so much stressful that some idols have killed them selves" I knew my voice was mixed with a some sort of sadness.


"Call me Tae" I intrupted.

She smiled... " Why did you want to become some one who is so famous?"

That was an unexpected question.

I thought about it...

"Because i love music. Not because i want to be famous"

"Didn't you know that if you put all your heart in to music and if people start to love it, then you will become their favorite person too?"

She was not rude.. she was sweet and straight forward.

" You are right. I expected that"

"Tae... You got an opportunity that only a very very few will get. That is the people's love. Feel blessed about it. Even though there are small stuff that happens which you don't like, think about the blessings. Don't sweat the small stuff because it is all small stuff"

Her words struck like a lightning. It was a medicine that my whole soul always wanted.

I made a decision.

No matter what, I need her in my life till death.....

It was a bit long. Hope you will enjoy this.

Stars On Their Own (A TaeTzu FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now