3. She

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I normally don't talk with strangers. I'm kinda like to be on my own. But this boy....

When he started the conversation, i was not that much unhappy for disturbing my peace. He was very handsome and his eyes...

What am i thinking? I'm a fool to think stupid things about a stranger.

But his eyes, lips, and him as a whole was very much inviting.

Oh stop! Hope my face doesn't show these stupid thoughts.

He was talking about his music. I know Korea has a huge entertainment industry. But i was not so in to that since I'm so much involved in accounting and business management.

"I'm visiting Brisbane" he said.

"Oh i live in Gold coast. 30 minutes to Brisbane"

"Hope we will meet there" he smiled.

Oh his smile is so unique! A boxy smile which is very rare.

Stop staring at his lips! I looked away.

"Are you sleepy?" He was concerned.

"A bit" i lied. "I think i should have a small nap"

"Ok go ahead". He smiled again and took the head set to listen to some music.

I closed my eyes.

Sorry this chapter was short and kinda boring 😣

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