29. Presage

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US Music Corporation urges to start the project. It was decided that me and my crew travel to USA for two weeks and then finish the shoot and editing. Since it was a great opportunity, I agreed with this process.

It's hard to leave Tzuyu for two weeks but she understood. I can't imagine how lucky I'm to have such an understanding girl friend. Maybe because she lived in a foreign country, she had an open mind to support and accept who i am.

We traveled with Mariana's crew in the same flight. She was sitting next to me in our business class seats and she always wanted to know about me.

"So Taehyung... Do you have a girl friend?
She asked after having dinner in the plane.

"Yeh..." We've started dating few months back"
I was so happy to remember her and i remembered how we met at in a plane just like this, for the 1st time. As i was smiling to my self, I saw Mariana watching me...with a serious look.

"Seems like you love her... A LOT"

"Mmm.. yes she is my life"
I knew there's a huge grin on my face.

Then she asked me how I met Tzuyu, what are the things I like in her and so much things about Tzuyu. At the end she asked to me show a picture of Tzuyu and when I showed my beautiful baby to her, she was so interested.

"Oh she is pretty" she said.

"Yes of course"
We stayed at a five star hotel and Jimin and me took the rooms next to each other. Mariana went her home which was 10km away from our hotel as she told.

I talked with Tzu over skype and oh dear... I was missing her so much! As I was so tired because of the long flight, I slept right after saying goodbye to her.
Within one week we could almost finish the MV shoot. But there were things to finalise in the upcoming week. On saturday we had a holiday and me and jimin decided to walk around for site seeing.

I got a call from Mariana as i got ready to go out.

"Taehyung.. can you come to my house as I need to show something important related to our song?" She asked. "And let's have dinner together"

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