35. Dream

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"Baby are you awake?" I looked down at her face as she was keeping her head on my chest, one hand on my stomach.

"Mmm...." She murmured sleepy.

I smiled at my self and slowly stroked her messed up hair.

She was doing wonders on me. My fear, stress and madness vanished in to thin air because she was with me. She is my happy pill indeed.

She must be so tired because of the last night. We were not satisfied until we both were weak do anything but eventually falling asleep.

We were both naked under the white sheets of her bed. I can't describe how comfortable I feel right now.

I kissed her hair which smelled so good.

"Baby... Can I say something?"

She opened her sleepy eyes and lift her head to look at me.

"For the one last time I want to talk about that incident"

She didn't say anything for a moment.

"If you like to talk about it...go ahead"

"Um... She invited for dinner and said that she has something important to discuss about our MV. So I went. I had the feeling that she was in to doing something stupid but I couldn't leave without discussing what she had to say" I paused.

"She tried to seduce me after your call. She kissed me suddenly but I pushed her away. I yelled at her and said not to cross her limits. I don't know how I came back straight to my hotel room. I was so shoked and angry. Even though it was not my fault I really felt guilty remembering you.." I looked at her as she was staring at me with her big eyes.

"I felt guilty because me...my whole body only belongs to you" I said while stroking her hair. "Do you trust me baby?"

She smiled a little and placed her palm on my chest, on my heart.

"I believe you.... I was sad...soo sooo sad. I thought I lost everything.. your love, my trust, my Faith on you... everything. Tae.... Don't ever do anything that breaks my trust"

"Never.. I can't live without you and you know that right?" I pressed my lips on her forehead. "Baby.. I want to marry you... As soon as possible"

She looked at me as she was shocked.

"But it will harm your career!"

"I DON'T CARE! I need you.... always" I cuddled her as tight as I can.

"Hey! I can't bre...athe" she protested.

"Then I'll support you to breath!" I took over her lips with mine and kissed her hungrily.

As we pulled apart gasping for air, I asked her a question which I always wanted to ask.

"Baby...how many kids you wanna have?"

Her cheeks and ears were reddened visibly.

"Hey don't be shy!" I teased her.

"Mmm...maybe two?" She said while avoiding my eyes as she was so shy. "You?"

"One daughter just like you.. One son like me and another son like both of us". Even imagining having kids with her, gave me so much happiness.

"Ha ha! I see.... My TaeTae is dreaming to become a father!" She pinched my stomach and hid her face on my chest.

Yes baby....with you, I want to make our world so beautiful.

Author - I know I know! this is too cheesy 🙄 But I love writing cheesy things 😁
Anyway this story will be coming to an end soon....

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