23. Curious

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"But you promised not to leave me"
I whispered. I felt like some thing is stuck in my throat.

"I don't want to leave you Tae"
her voice was shaking.
"But I can't convince my mom and dad. They saw all those news. They are worried"

"I know it's difficult, I know it's hard to bear. But let's face this together. I need you Tzu. I'll talk to your dad. Please... "

She silently nodded and came to me.
"Will you love me like this forever? Will you ever think that I'm a gold digger and I came for your money?"

Her beautiful eyes were filled with pain and it was hard for me to look in to her eyes.

I slowly put my lips on hers and kissed her with all the love I can pour in to that kiss.
I will sort out everything for her. As long as she is with me, I can do anything.
I thought as I slowly pull away from her.

I talked to Tzuyu's dad through phone. It was a tough thing to convince him, as he was enraged because of the hardship his daughter had to go through.

He didn't blame me but he wanted his daughter to get away from this. I literally begged him, not to take her away from me as she is the only treasure I wanted to have. Finally he agreed.

"Son, I'm trusting you as much as I trust my daughter"
He said.
"But be careful not to break that trust and be sure to keep my daughter happy".

Tzuyu was silently sitting aside, as I finished the call. I felt little bit relieved, because her parents allowed her to stay with me.
I took her small hands and lead her to sit on my lap. She put her hands around my neck and looked in to my eyes.

"Tell me what do you want me to do? What do you want us to do?" I asked her.

"I want you to be happy as before"
she tangled a lock of my hair with her finger.
"And I want to see your success without drawing back"

I kissed her neck and inhaled her sweetness.

"After everything calms down a bit, let's have a fan meeting" She suddenly suggested.

"Huh?" I was utterly confused.

"Yeah.. let's see who are your true fans"
she said.
"and I'll come with you!"
she looked ahead with determination in her eyes.

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