16. Decision

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Day before Tzuyu and her parents come to visit me, I took another important decision for my career. I had the feeling that it is high time to become an independent artist. My agency did support me to begin my career and I know I have paid them back more than enough for the support they gave me.

I need to think about my future with Tzuyu. We have enough wealth to live happily for many years. I want to see Tzuyu living without going through any kind of trouble. She doesn't need to do a job, but I didn't tell her that because I knew it was her preference to do a job and be independent. I love her so much, but I don't want to interfere her individuality.

I called Tzuyu and told my decision to become an independent artist.

"I'm sure you have taken the right decision. Always follow your heart, but take the brain with you" she teased me. "You have no regrets right?"

"Yeh I think I'm confident"

"That's all I wanted to know. Tae... What ever happens, I'm always with you....."

Her words were soothing enough for me to feel better. I don't know how she makes me feel so special. I have interacted with so many people, but only she can makes me feel like this.

I talked to my manager about my decision and he agreed to arrange a final meeting with the company CEO about my agreement.
I'm nervous. Soon they will arrive here. What will her dad think about me? What if he doesn't want to give his daughter to an idol with so many girl fans who scream when they see me?

My maid went an opened the door. I took a deep breath and went to greet the visitors; my in laws (hopefully!)

What I saw first was my Tzuyu's encouraging bright smile. Now I know... I can achieve anything with that encouragement.

"Hello Mr. Chou, I'm Kim Taehyung!"

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