14. First

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One week passed...

She was busy with her studies and I had to go through the agreement with the company since it is near expiration. All we could was calling each other. At the night time, even though she agrees to meet me, I knew by instincts that she was so tired. So I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. If I were an ordinary man, I will meet her any where at any time. In that way, I'm so unfortunate.

I really miss her. She misses me too, I know that.

I don't know how I can survive after she goes back to Australia. There's only one week left.

"Tzu... I want to see you" I called her.

"I know and me too want to see you. I think tomorrow at about 6pm I will be able to come to your place"

I was delighted. "I'll come and pick you"

"No need Tae.. I'll come there right after I finish my work. See you..."

"See you too... and... I love you..."

I heard she is smiling there.

I opened the door and there she was. I lost my patience as I closed the door.

I took her to my embrace and kissed her forehead. "I miss you so badly"

"Yeh me too..." She kept her cheek on my chest. "Tae.. first I want to tell you some thing..."

"Mmm?" I kept rubbing back of her head.

"I have to leave day after tomorrow"

It seems like my heart stopped for a while.

"Why?" I whispered in to her hair.

"My work here has come to an end. I have to submit the assignment and face the final examination in two weeks"

I tightened my embrace... now I don't think I will survive without her...

"Tae, after I leave.... What will happen to us?" She asked me, lifting her head to see me clearly.

I can't think of her going so far away from me...

"Nothing will change, my baby... NOTHING! we'll call every day as we did this week. After you finish your exams, we'll plan everything. I want to meet your parents"

Her eyes went wide. " You will not forget me, won't you?"

Looking at her large beautiful eyes and innocent face, I can no more control my feelings.

I slowly put my lips on hers. It was a dreamy kiss, which I always wanted to have in my life. Our lips moved together synchronized so well. Her hands went around my neck... Her fingers danced through my hair... As i deepened the kiss with a fast beating heart, she tightened her embrace.

Eventually she was pinned to the wall as I explored her lips while having tongue battles. I know.. we went wild.. I exploring her now reddened lips, her soft neck....light bits.... She giving light moans.... us forgetting the whole world.

Finally we broke the kiss to grasp breath, while she being in my arms.... us breathing heavily...

"Is was the first kiss in my life" I whispered in to her ear while panting.

"Mine too....."

A/N** woah! I can't believe I wrote about a kiss in detail. Pat pat!🤭How is it friends?

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