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A/N: more things will be added or removed and any theme ost will work for the reader and again anything refrences used etc. Is owned by their respectful owners. (This is still ideas of how i want it and i try not to make it OP)



Nickname: Unix (Used when he has to hide his name)

Earth (Irl Earth)


(Can be anything you want it to be)

Eye color:

Silver eyes due to world interference but its ussually E/C

Pro: His main ability for his powers is "inspiration" (unless i can find a better name this gonna be it for a while) what it does due to this the reader (aka Y/N) has a lot of abilities inspired by video games, movies, fiction, etc, and he can also take form characters like, Master cheif, Batman, even Goku,etc, he dosent change to look like thoses characters unless he allows himself too, he can also replic characters too, Tho the replicas characters Y/N creates can only do what Y/N knows, If he doesn't have enough information about them he most likely have to guess what makes more sense for said character, Luckly he knows a lot of characters to replicate

Con: cant always use the powers due to amount of energy it is, some ability may not be usable or will use more strength than it would normally do, and the replicas take a toll since its still technically Y/N power he still have the damge after the replica vanishes, also another con, Entering world may cause some interference to himself that may guve him either a drawback or a thing he has stick with like Silver eyes (still can change but eyes will always be silver)

Main Theme: Flow - Hero Song of Hope by We.B (again it can be whatever the reader wants)

For any weapons and abilitys just think of any fictional or non fiction abilities than the most likely change he has it

Side note i be referencing a lot of other series and shows so yea other series refrences will be used also

EXTRA NOTES: Characters i intend to redeem/save for this story and why

Roman torchwick: Neo because she didnt deserve to lose someone she hold dear for her life (gotta make or find a character to fill the role for volume 6)

Amber: I mean c'mon she litterally was a side character only for plot so yea

Adam Taurus: He had a good reason to be a interstimg character to have a arc and interesting backstory..but roosterteeth messed up his character just to have him as a edgy ex boyfriend so ima fix that along with his fate.. aka redeem this guy so may have to get another charaters to fill his role (again find or make a character to fill that role for the later volume)

Summer rose: Because we still (coughs me coughs) dont have any info about her and also because another rose need her mother in her life besides because she was sent to a mission that got her killed and we cant have that

Raven Brawen: Felt like she could be used more than just a volume only and filler on my opinion and shoulda come back to her family

Ill add more or change stuff when i get to it as of now its 6/10/2020 i made this extra notes thing

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