chapter three- the stolen kiss

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Rey stuck her fork in her dinner, not bothering to eat it. It had been three days since her fight with Ben, and she hadn't seen him at all. He must be out, doing something. Whatever. It doesn't concern her.

"Rey," a voice said, putting their dinner tray by Rey and sitting down.

"Poe," Rey smiled.

"You look off," Poe commented.

Rey sighed heavily. "Ben and I had a fight," she explained.

Poe furrowed his eyebrows. "What about?"

Rey rolled her eyes. "His lack of trust, his invasions... everything." Rey took her forehead in her hands, leaning over the table. "He... he's not changing like I hoped he would."

Poe stuffed mash potatoes in his mouth. "He's not going to change, Rey. He's evil. As in, Supreme Leader evil."

Rey ran a hand through her hair. "But he's good now- Ben's on our side. Kylo Ren is dead. Ben Solo is back."

"Are you sure about that?" Poe asked, raising an eyebrow. Rey rolled her eyes. "Yes. I just don't know why he's struggling with using the Force in a selfish way."

"What do you mean, in a selfish way?" Poe asked.

Rey sighed. "When you found me in Ben's room a couple nights ago and comforted me, Ben apparently used to force and went into your mind. He claimed you like me. Of course I told him that he was wrong, and that you and I are simply good friends."

Poe immediately dropped his spoon, which fell and clattered on the floor. Poe's face went white, then slowly returned back to a normal colour. Poe cleated his throat, struggling to make eye contact with Rey. "How about we go talk about this somewhere else?"

Rey raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Um, okay." Poe stood up abruptly, taking Rey's hand, leading her out of the cafeteria. Poe led Rey down a few hallways and into the nearest empty conference room, leaving the conference door open. Poe walked over to the glass window, staring outside of it.

"Are you okay?" Rey asked, walking towards Poe.

"He was right," Poe admitted.

Confusion crossed over Rey's face. "About what?"

Poe turned towards Rey and took her soft hands in his. Poe stared in Rey's eyes. Poe gulped before biting his lower lip. "I like you, Rey. I do. And not just in a friend way. I like you in a hold your hand, make fun of you, take you out, dance with you, kiss you, kind of way," Poe said, nervously looking at Rey to see her reaction. "I didn't mean for it to come out this way- so soon- as you just defeated Palpatine and all. I wanted to tell you in a more... romantic way. I was going to take you on a mission with me, and we'd get in a fatal predicament, and we'd almost die, and then I'd tell you how I felt, and we somehow would find a way out of our troubles, and we'd come back to the resistance and on our way back I would kiss you," Poe said, meeting Rey's eyes before looking at her lips. "Like this."

Poe tilted his head towards the right before leaning in and pressing his lips to Rey's, demanding affection. Poe felt Rey stiffen and stand there shocked, before trying to pull back. Poe placed his left hand on Rey's waist to hold her there and his right on her face, grabbing Rey and pulling her closer. Rey struggled against him, placing one hand on his chest in an effort to push Poe away, but failed. Poe pinned Rey against the wall, pushing her arms behind her, while his lips were still connected to hers. Poe demanded entrance into Rey's mouth. Rey declined, trying to pull herself away from the kiss. Poe bit Rey's lip harshly, making Rey open her mouth in shock and pain. Rey whimpered, frightened. Poe finally pulled back, one hand holding Rey's face. Rey had a scared look on her face. Poe saw maroon blood dripping down from her bottom lip. Poe felt guilty, seeing what he had done to her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen."

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