chapter fourteen- the battle of mustafar

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Kylo Ren pulled the shift lever, bringing it down. His TIE Whisper (A/N- thats the official canon name for his ship in TROS!!!!) lifted from the ground, its systems starting. Kylo set his coordinates on the ship's graphing screen, setting them for Mustafar. He pushed a few buttons and The Whisper (another canon name for it- so basically TIE Whisper or The Whisper) zoomed out of the a First Order's docking area.
Kylo focused on the galaxy in front of him as he flew through space. After a minute, he decided to set the ship on autopilot. Kylo pressed a few keys and relaxed, preparing for Mustafar.

Where on Mustafar would the Stone of Embers be? I'll find it somehow. If a teenager like Kai can find the Stone of Embers, so can I.

Kylo snickered at the thought of Kai. Kai was a teenager and trying to acquire the Stone of Embers. Kai had no idea what was going to come. He would be shocked when Kylo turned up. And he would lose so badly in a fight with Kylo. Kylo was a Supreme Leader, who helped blow up the Republic, billions of people, on the entire Hosian system. That's who Kai was going to fight- the Supreme Leader. And Kai has probably killed nobody- he's a teenager with absolutely no experience. Kylo almost felt sorry for Kai- it was going to be too easy to kill him.

Kylo glanced at the controls on the ship. He touched the touchscreen controls, activating the light speed. The TIE Whisper sped up, blasting faster through space. Kylo grabbed the control wheel, turning the ship off of autopilot. He focused on the planet he was nearing- Mustafar. It was a blazing, fiery red. Molten lava ran through the planet, creating a shaken up effect. Grey wisps cornered the planet, engulfing it.

Kylo pushed his controls forward, beginning to enter Mustafar's atmosphere

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Kylo pushed his controls forward, beginning to enter Mustafar's atmosphere. Kylo braced himself as the ship soared into the planet, breaking the seal between it the rest of the galaxy and Mustafar. Kylo slowed the TIE Whisper, looking for a place to land.

Kylo landed his ship, shutting off the engine. He engaged the button that opened the ship's ramp. Smoke filled as Kylo stepped onto the planet. Kylo surveyed it, searching for any possible place where the stone could be. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. Mustafar was filled with coal black mountains, its sharp points protruding. Lakes of molten ran all throughout the planet. Volcanoes were frequently scattered about.

Kylo closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. He called on the Force, begging it to guide him to the stone he seeked. He focused his mind on what he thought the stone would look like- a jagged and ruby coloured. He asked the Force for the coordinates, pleading for answers. After a minute with no response, Kylo gave up, swearing. There was no way he would find the Stone of Embers on a planet this big. Kai was bound to find It first.

Suddenly, an unexplainable feeling came over Kylo. He saw a vision of a sapphire stone sitting on a rock pedestal. The vision changed to the stone's surroundings- it was on a mountain. The mountain's tip reached the red sky, piercing the black clouds.

Kylo thrusted his eyes open, breathing heavily. He took a couple steps back, unprepared for the the vision. Kylo gathered himself and searched for a mountain that reached the sky. He found it- the mountain was far away, but he could see it from here. The tip of the mountain pierced the sky, just as it did in his vision.

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