chapter four- the first order

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Rey opened her eyes. She stared at the ceiling. She was somewhere she didn't recognize. Rey sat up slowly, taking in her surroundings.

The room where she was was simple, but clean. It had a twin sized bed; which she was sitting on, a washroom, and a white dresser, and a metal door with a small barred window.

"Where am I?" Rey asked.

"The First Order," came a voice. Rey looked up to see a woman in a dark navy outfit outside her room, peering into the bars.

Rey began to feel nauseous. Her memories were coming back to her. Poe tried to kiss her, Ben was going to kill him, she blacked out, Ben wanted her to go with him to the First Order, she blacked out. It was good that Rey was sitting down, otherwise she would have fainted.

"What am I doing here?" Rey asked weakly, fearing she already knew the answer.

"You already know the answer to that," the woman said.

"Why would Ben bring me here?" Rey whispered, more to herself than the guard.

"I haven't heard that named in a long time," came the response.

Rey looked up again. "Why did he turn back to the dark?" she demanded to know.

"He never left," the woman responded.

"No. No. No!!!" cried Rey, panic arising. "I had him. I swear I had him. He was good! He was pure! He helped me defeat Palpatine!"

The captain tilted her head. "Kylo Ren helped you defeat Palpatine because Palpatine was no use for him- Palpatine would only interrupt Kylo's plans."

Rey stiffened. "What plans?" she asked.

"To take over the galaxy," the captain responded, in a tone that made it seem that this was obvious.

Dread ran through Rey's veins. There is no Ben. Only Kylo Ren. All this time Rey had spent trying to turn Kylo, to bring him to the light, had failed. All the effort Rey spent, all the force bonds they shared were rendered useless.

"What happened to the Resistance?" Rey said, panic taking place.

"Most likely wiped out completely."

Rey went completely white. "Poe. Finn."

"Finn? Do you mean FN-2187, or as the First Order calls him; traitor?" the captain responded.

"He's not a traitor!" Rey yelled, standing up.

Rey walked over to the barred door. She took a deep breath. Rey stared at the captain.

"You will open this door, and drop your weapon," Rey said, waving her hand.

The woman chuckled. "Your efforts are futile, scavenger. I have contacts in that protect me from your force mind bend power."

"Please. Please let me out. I'll do anything," Rey pleaded.

"Even if I did let you out, where would you go? You have no home. The resistance base is destroyed. Your friends are dead."

Smith turned, marching down the corridor, seeing Kylo Ren and two stormtroopers heading her way.

"Supreme Leader," Smith said.

Kylo Ren glanced at Smith. "Smith." Kylo Ren nodded before passing her and heading towards Rey's cell, his cape swooshing behind him.

Kylo Ren held a security card to the door's lock. It beeped before opening. Kylo Ren signaled for the two stormtroopers to wait outside. Kylo Ren entered the cell to see Rey sitting on her bed.

Rey looked up and her eyes brightened. Rey hopped out of her bed and rushed towards Kylo. Rey wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. She shut her eyes, focusing on his warmth. Kylo held her in his embrace, satisfied. Kylo brought a hand to her head, and stroked her hair. "Rey," Kylo said, his helmet amplifying his voice.

Rey held on tight to Kylo, almost squeezing him. "Ben, I'm scared," Rey said, finally pulling away from the hug.

Ben took off his helmet, setting it on the floor. "I know."

"Ben, what's going on? Why are we here?" Rey asked.

"I'm the Supreme Leader. I can't just give it up. I need to lead these people and bring a new order to the galaxy," Kylo said, caressing Rey's cheek.

"What about me?" Rey asked.

Kylo looked at Rey, meeting her eyes. "You will be my Queen."

"What does that even mean? Ben, I want to go home!" Rey hissed.

Kylo took Rey's hands in his. "I want you to join me."

Rey yanked her hands away from his. "What?!"

"The Resistance is dead. The First Order killed them. You have nothing to go back to," Kylo explained. "I want you to join me."

Tears filled Rey's eyes. "How could you say that?" Rey whispered, stepping back, away from Kylo.

"Rey. You need to listen to me. You have nowhere to turn. I am the only person who's alive that you know. I am your only friend; your only family," Ben said calmly while stepping forward, trying to reason with Rey.

"No! It's not true!" Rey yelled, cowering in the corner.

"I'm doing this for you. Rey, I love you," Kylo declared, eyeing the frightened girl in the corner.

"Let me leave," Rey growled.

"You know I can't do that," Kylo responded, a blank look in his eyes.

Rey saw her chance to escape, and she took it. Rey ran past Kylo out of the cell, only to be captured by the two stormtroopers. The stormtroopers dragged her back in.

Kylo closed the cell door, locking Rey in. He met Rey's eyes with a hint of regret and sadness.

Rey glared at Kylo, shooting him daggers. "What happened to the soul that you used to be?"

918 words

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