chapter nineteen- memories

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Rey stayed on the ground, emotionless. Her tears had stopped, but she still stayed down. She didn't know what was going on, all she knew is that she was confused. Confused about everything.

She didn't remember Kylo, but she also didn't remember Kai. Her mind swirled with thoughts, trying to decide who to trust.

Kai was asking something of her, asking her to change, to become a Sith.

Kylo was asking nothing of her. He just wanted her to believe him.

"What are you doing?!"

Rey stood up, turning towards Kai.

Kai had a scowl on his face, his arms crossed. "Why were you on the ground?"

Rey hesitated. "Meditating," she responded anxiously.

Kai stepped towards her, anger on his face. "You saw him again, didn't you," he spat, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes," Rey admitted. Shame was displayed on her face as she looked down.

"And you didn't even try to stop it?"

"I don't think you can stop a-"

Kai twisted his hand, and a burst of lightning erupted from it, striking Rey's face and neck. Rey's body felt like it was on fire. She fell onto the ground, screaming in pain. She yelled and whimpered as she huddled into a ball, unable to move.

A red scar started forming down the side of her face and ran down her neck.

He glanced down at her in disapproval, fire in his eyes. "Go actually meditate."

Rey recalled the events of the previous day, watching the ocean over a high ledge. The waves crashed against the rock's ledge, hitting it ferociously. She stared out into the bottom, probably a thousand feet down, wondering what would happen if she jumped.

She stepped closer to the edge, watching the water below.

It was tempting. If she jumped, she wouldn't have to subject herself to being around Kai.

If she didn't, she would be confused for the rest of her life, never having any memory of her past life.

She wasn't suicidal. She didn't want to die. She just wanted to avoid the situation she was in. She wanted to escape. Any one else in her shoes would do the same. It wasn't a choice.

Rey made her decision.

She stepped off the ledge, closing her eyes. She fell towards the water, wind blowing in her face. Her heart palpitated, beating fast.

Rey prepared to embrace the harsh waters, keeping her eyes shut tightly. Her heartbreat raced, and her mind screamed in fear. She regretted it already.

Rey waited for the evident impact, but it never came.

Rey opened her eyes, confused on why she hadn't hit the bottom yet. She gasped when she saw she was hovering five feet in the air away from Kylo Ren. He had his arm raised, holding her in front of him. Blazing rage mixed with deep hurt was on his face.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he shouted, furious.

Rey opened her mouth to talk.

"No, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kylo shouted. Every vein in his face looked like it was about to burst. His entire face was red from anger.

Rey dangled in the air, trying to talk.

"No. You don't get to talk. It's my turn to talk," Kylo yelled, his eyes flashing with anger. "You don't get to just jump off a cliff. You don't just get to try to kill yourself without thinking about the consequences!" he screamed. "You once told me that my actions had consequences. Now it's my turn to tell you, YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!"

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