chapter nine- the broadcast

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Kylo took a deep breath, anxious for what he was about to do. He was a couple minutes away from admitting his feelings for Rey to the entire First a Order. How would they take it? Would they be accepting or would they revolt? Of course, some would definitely revolt- but they would be killed right away by his guards and security.

"Run over what will happen when the broadcast starts," Kylo ordered General Case, who was setting up a video camera in front of him and hooking it up to a motherboard.

"When the broadcast starts, it will appear on every single stormtrooper cuff, television, control booth, and radio in the First Order. Every single living soul will hear this."

Kylo nodded, reassured but still anxious. "Alright, I'm going to head out onto the podium. How many people are in attendance?"

"Two thousand. The rest will hear it from the broadcast," Case responded. Kylo nodded. "Good."

Kylo walked out onto stage, taking the center by the podium. He met Smith's eyes, who was standing twenty feet to his right. Kylo turned, raising his hand, saluting the crowd. The crowd saluted back, raising their fists in the air.

Kylo took a small breath and started.

"A lot of you may have heard the rumors. The rumors that I have joined the light side. This is completely untrue. My loyalties lie with the First Order- as do yours," Kylo started, his nerves melting away as he stared into the crowd.

"But there are other rumors circulating. Rumors concerning the scavenger," Kylo continued. "The supposed 'last Jedi.'"

Kylo cleared his throat. "You may have heard rumors that I have... compassion for her. You may think that I am weak when it comes to her." And you'd be right.

"I've even heard some rumors saying I have affections for her," Kylo said, eyeing the crowd to see their reactions.

"I want to put an end to this," Kylo stated. All eyes were on him. "I do have compassion for her."

The crowd gasped. Murmurs went around.

"I know what you're thinking. How could I betray the First Order by fraternizing with someone from the now dead Resistance?" Kylo continued. "Here's where it benefits us. I have seen Rey's turn to the dark side."

The crowd gasped once more.

"I had a vision of it. I know her future. She will turn- and when she does, it is vital that her loyalties lie with us- the First Order. Her power will strengthen the First Order to its highest potential."

"How do you know she will turn?!" A stormtrooper called from the crowd, stepping out of line. He was quickly taken away, dragged by his arms, kicking and screaming, by two other troopers.

Kylo waited for them to escort him out before saying, "Because not only did I have a vision of her turn to the dark side, she did also."

Whispers filled the crowd. "How could you do this?! Betray the First Order?!" A stormtrooper shouted. His efforts were immediately ended- he was abruptly shot by his commanding officer.

"Does anybody else wish to join him?" Kylo yelled into the microphone. The crowd fell silent.

"This is not a time for rivalry to break out. This will strengthen the First Order- I promise," Kylo said, lowering his voice back to a normal octave.


Kylo turned his head to the source of the voice. It was one of his pilots, who commanded one of the TIE fighters.

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