chapter twenty-six- tea

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Rey walked down the cobblestone path, looking at the downtown shops and stores. She had woken up earlier that morning and decided to explore the town.

Alderaa was a very pretty city. It was extremely busy, bustling with activity. People were moving about hurriedly, each having their own places to go.

There were many different smells and sights. The distinct, strong smell of chlorine wafered from the giant water fountain sculpture in the middle of the downtown sidewalks. It was shaped like a huge crown, showing off Alderaan's royalty.

Rey continued walking down the path, looking around in awe. There were so many stores- it reminded her of Cloud City.

She had already been to a dress store, a grocery store, and a men's tie store just for fun. The prices were high, but it was nice just to look. She rarely got the experience to simply look around and window shop.

Rey paused at the window of a bakery, surveying the delicacies they had on display. Macarons, cookies, cakes, muffins- they had every type of sweet.

Her mouth involuntarily watered. She studied the sweets, never having seen that type of food before. On Jakku, all she had eaten was a liquid mix that rose into bread when you added water. And people were eating these expensive sweet treats?

Rey shook her head before moving on. She glanced at a woman and her young boy walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand. The child leaned into his mother and whispered something, causing the mother to start laughing.

Rey sighed, continuing her stride. She watched the other people she passed, wondering if they knew their peaceful lives were to be disrupted. Did they know they were at war with the First Order?

Something bumped into Rey. She jerked back in surprise, looking down to see a small girl with long, curly blonde hair wearing a floral dress, tugging on the bottom of Rey's coat. She was staring up at Rey with her bright blue eyes, smiling, showing a gap in her teeth.

Rey's eyes drifted to the little girl's hands- they were holding a delectable looking bright pink sugar cookie.

"Hi," the girl said shyly, blushing. Rey kneeled down to her level, looking at her curiously.

"My mommy and I saw you look in the bakery window," the girl said, smiling through her gap teeth. She fiddled with the ends of her hair. "And we want to give you this cookie," she giggled, handing it to Rey.

Rey opened her mouth slightly, surprised by the girl's kindness. She looked up, searching for the girl's mother.

A woman with blonde hair pulled tightly into a bun smiled slightly at Rey, nodding. "Amuse her," the woman pleaded. "She really wanted to buy it to give it to you."

Rey looked back at the girl and took the cookie, smiling warmly. "Thank you," she said, her eyes bright. She took a bite of the cookie, tasting its overly sweetness. 

The little girl giggled again. "Can I give you a hug?" she asked nervously. "I love hugs. My mommy gives me hugs. And so does my daddy. I ask everyone for hugs," she rambled, her eyes wandering all over Rey's body.

Rey laughed, showing her bright teeth. "Of course," she replied kindly.

The girl threw her arms around Rey, smooshing herself into Rey's body. Rey enclosed her arms around the little girl, holding her tightly, smiling. She had never gotten hugs from many people- just Finn, Poe, Leia, and Ben. And never a kid.

Hugging a kid was much different than hugging an adult. Hugging a kid felt like hugging a joyful cloud, or a burst of energy. It felt like they transferred their feelings to you, hyping up your energy.

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