chapter twenty-eight- alexander

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I got a death threat from someone I've known for four years🤪 and she knows where I live, and is completely psychotic

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I got a death threat from someone I've known for four years🤪 and she knows where I live, and is completely psychotic.

Long, long, long story short, she:

-tried to kill her ex last summer

-told me she was going to stab her ex this winter

-when she was dating her ex, her mom came to pick her up from his house and she didn't want to leave, so she stripped naked in front of her boyfriend and his parents, climbed the walls, and convulsed (tommy's mom told my mom and I this story, she talked with us for two hours about how psychotic she was)

that's why I didn't update yesterday. my mom was on the phone with the police about her death threat.

Yeah, that's really not okay.

Also, like always, if you see a grammar mistake or something that needs fixing, please comment so I can fix it:)

Alexander's eyes met Rey's, widening as he realised who was standing in front of him. His lips curved into a smirk. Red continued to drip down the sides of his mouth, dripping down his fur jacket. His dirty blonde hair was messy, going in every direction. His teeth were stained with blood.

He stepped towards Rey slowly, almost ecstatic.

Rey panicked, hyperventilating. She quickly walked backwards, breaking into a sprint.

This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real.

Alexander chuckled. He darted towards Rey, easily catching up to her. He harshly grabbed her arm, twisting her. Rey's eyes were shut closed and tears were streaming down her face. She cowered away from him, shaking with fear. Alexander pulled her body in front of him, holding her shoulder to him tightly with his hand, and his other hand pulling back part of her hair. He slowly leaned into her neck, his hot breath on her cold skin.

"I didn't want you to find out like this," he whispered, his mouth hovering next to her ear. Rey froze, unable to move out of fear. Her body was stiff, and her thoughts were frozen. This seemed like a nightmare.

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