chapter six- the escape

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Rey sulked in her cell. Three days. It had been three days since Ben visited her. And as much as Rey was furious at Ben for keeping her locked up, she still loved him.

Rey had passed the time by talking to Captain Smith whenever it was her turn to watch Rey. Rey and Smith had become quite close, at least for a kidnapped person and a guard.

Rey stared at the blank ceiling. She needed to find a way out of here. A way to get Ben Solo back.

Rey heard the sound of blasters go off, and Rey rushed to the door. Two stormtroopers that were guarding her cell were now lying on the ground, dead.

What in the name of- Rey thought before being cut off by two figures coming into sight, blasters in their hands.

"Poe! Finn!" Rey cried, overjoyed to see her friends. "You're alive!" Rey exclaimed. clutching at the bars.

"Alive and helping you escape," Finn said, grabbing a key card from the stormtroopers pocket.

"Hurry," Finn said, opening the door to Rey's cell. Rey threw her arms around Finn, hugging him. "Thank you," Rey said to Finn. "You too," she nodded to Poe.

Red crept up over Poe's cheeks, embarrassed for what happened earlier. "Rey, I'm so sorry. I never meant for that to happen. I only wanted to tell you I liked you. I promise, the next time I kiss you, you'll want me to," Poe said, making eye contact with Rey.

"The next time?" Rey commented, raising her eyebrows.

Finn rolled his eyes. "We have to go! Come on!" Finn complained impatiently.

Finn started running down a hall, motioning for Poe and Rey to follow. Three stormtroopers came running towards them, blasters ready.

Finn and Poe shot them quickly, making the troopers fall to the floor.

"I don't have a weapon!" Rey yelled, jealous.

"You have the force!" Finn replied.

"That's not how the force works!" Rey replied, yelling.

The group kept running down the hallway, trying to find a way out of the Finalizer. Six stormtroopers saw them, and their blasters went off, shooting at them. One bullet headed towards Rey and she ducked, dodging it. Finn shot three in a row, and Poe handled the other three.

"We're lucky that they don't know how to aim," Finn commented, slight sweat gathering at his forehead.

"But I do."

Captain Smith stepped into sight. She held a giant blaster pointed right towards them.

"Drop your weapons," she ordered.

Finn and Poe glanced at eachother quickly before looking back at Smith and shooting.

Smith fired her gun in return, careful not to hit Rey in the process.

"I should have killed you long ago, FN-2187," Smith said, looking at Finn.

Finn pretended not to hear Smith, and kept firing his gun.

Smith fired two shots that knocked Finn and Poe's weapon right from their hands, falling on the floor.

Smith started talking into the armor by her wrist. "We have a code white. Inform the Supreme Leader that the traitor and the pilot are here."

Smith looked back at the group, eyeing them up and down. "Now, where were we?"

Poe, Finn, and Rey all looked at eachother. How would they escape this?

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