Chapter 1

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"You're supposed to be on vacation, just remember that, detective Dylan. Don't tell a soul why you are in California."

"Yes sir," she said, smiling slightly, she was going to enjoy her "vacation" immensely. Her police chief eyed her suspiciously from across his desk. "Let me guess, you are going to enjoy this vacation, aren't you."

"Yes sir, I am." Considering that she would be working on this vacation it wasn't truly a vacation, but it was a walk in the park compared to what she had been dealing with.

"Just don't let me see your face on TV or in the newspaper if you decide to play hero, okay?"

"Yes sir, and while I'm on 'vacation', I shall try and bust that car theft and chopshop ring."

"Don't get smart with me Miranda Dylan. That's why you are going on vacation, and another thing, no telling any cops who you are. They would most likely recognize you for the work you've done here and that wouldn't help us. I trust you to stay low, and I don't care how long it takes to capture these goons, just do it."

"Yes sir," she smirked.

"I don't want to come and find half the criminals dead, or the mob boss dead because you were showing off. We do need some witnesses this time if you would be so kind," he finally smiled at her.

"I'll try to save some for interrogation sir, unlike last time. But it really wasn't my fault," she pointed out.

"I know, but the poor police chief didn't even have anyone to take to trial since you wiped them all out."

"Well, considering the drug dealer was dumber than a brick. It was his fault he shot at me in the middle of his meth lab and it exploded."

"You were lucky on that one," he frowned.

She nodded, rubbing her side. She had been lucky. When the place had exploded, she had dove behind a desk, and it had saved her life, but she had ended up with shrapnel wounds in her side when flying glass had hit her.

"I promise not to get shot at in a meth lab," Miranda said.

Her chief shook his head. "Just don't get shot at all, okay?"

"I'll try sir, but no promises, you know that."

He sighed. "I know that detective, but I would like you to come back in one piece."

"Yes, sir."

"Good, now here's a credit card, and no spending out the wazoo, okay? It's for food and your hotel."

"Thank you, sir."

"I already have you a room booked, it's booked for a month, and if you need it longer than that let me know."

"Yes, sir," she said once again.

"I am sending you to do this because you are the best, you know that, right?"

He wasn't quick with praise and having him say that was a true compliment.

"When you saved the city last week from that terrorist bomb, that was going above the call of duty, young lady."

"But I had help, sir."

"I know that, but you found the bomb, and helped the bomb squad diffuse it. I mean it, Miranda, and I also mean it when I said to take your time in catching these guys. You need a break, take in the sites, have some fun, okay?"

"I'll try sir."

He stood and shook her hand. "Now get out of here, your flight leaves in a few hours."

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