Chapter 9

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Miranda had just fallen asleep when a knock sounded on her door. Who would be knocking? She looked at her clock. It was after midnight. It wouldn't be Cole, would it? She hurriedly put on some shorts and went to open the door.

Cole was there, looking worried.

"Cole? Is something wrong?" she asked.

He tried not to notice that she was only in a long shirt and short shorts. He swallowed and looked at her face. "You weren't answering your phone, I came to see if you were okay," he finally said.

"I always shut my phone off at night, I am sorry I worried you," she said. "Do you want to come in?"

"I had better not," he sighed, wanting too, more than anything.

"Is there a reason why you dropped by?" she asked him.

"I actually came to tell you something, but seeing you dressed like that, I kind of forgot what it was," he flushed.

She smiled. "Glad you like what you see, detective. Are you sure you don't want to come in?" she teased him.

"Maybe for a minute," he said. She stepped back to let him in.

As soon as she did, he grabbed her and kissed her soundly. She held on to him and let him kiss her, but then he pulled back.

"I had better go, or I might invite myself to your bed."

She blushed. "So, why were you here?"

He grinned. "You distracted me and I forgot."

She laughed. "Glad I can. You seriously can't remember?"

"No," he said sheepishly, then kissed her once more. "Sleep well."

"Oh, I will," she grinned and then watched him walk out the door.

He turned back. "Join me for lunch tomorrow?"


"Meet me at the station at noon," he said.

She nodded and he walked away.

She sighed as she closed the door. She was falling so hard for that man, what was she going to do? Especially when he found out who she really was?

Cole got back into his car, calming himself. That woman was going to drive him mad. She was so sexy. He had wanted to pick her up and carry her to her bed and have his way with her. He sighed as he drove back home. When he finally remembered what he was going to tell her, he was pulling into the driveway of his home. Oh well, he could tell her tomorrow.

He got out of his car and went inside his large and empty home. He looked around and sighed. One day he would be married with kids running around and it wouldn't be so quiet. He pictured Mandy in the kitchen, pregnant, cooking him a meal, while little ones ran around. They would make a good couple, but could he talk her into staying? And could he help her forget her past?

By seven the next morning, Miranda was back up and showered, dressed, in disguise, and headed to the address the man had given her to the chopshop. It was a big garage that sat facing the bay. She parked her car, across the street and walked across and to the office, after locking her car, which hopefully would not be turned into car parts in the few minutes she was inside. She walked up to the office and turned the knob. The door was locked. She knocked but got no answer, she was just about to peek into the dirty window when she was grabbed from behind, and a gun jabbed into her ribs. "What do you want lady?" a voice growled in her ear.

"I was told to come here to get a car," she said to her captor, "Mickey sent me."
Those were the magic words because the hold on her was released, but she was pushed inside and told to sit down. The office was actually quite clean, compared to the dirty window. But she figured it was kept dirty to keep anyone snooping from seeing through to the office. The man walked around to the desk and stared her down. He was big and muscular, with a bald head glistening with sweat.

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