Chapter 22

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Miranda must have slept through the night, because when she awoke again it was daylight outside, and the doctor was checking her vitals. Chief Stratton walked in soon after. Cole was gone. He obviously had work.

"I see no reason to keep you," the doctor told her. "But take it easy for a few days, and if your head hurts I am giving you a prescription." He handed her a bottle and then some papers.

He then turned to the Chief. "Make sure she rests," he told him, then walked out.

"Yes, rest is good," the Chief agreed.

Miranda said, "Whatever," and grinned. She then sat up and swung her legs off the bed. "If you will excuse me Chief, I need to get dressed. You didn't happen to bring me clean clothes did you?" she asked hopefully.

He grinned. "Tyler brought you some while you were sleeping last night."

"Thank goodness. I don't want to walk out of here looking like I was still wounded."

"You are still wounded," he pointed out.

"Yes, but at least my clothes will be clean."

He only smiled at her as she gingerly made her way to the bathroom with the clean jeans and shirt from the small wardrobe in the room. The Chief sat in a chair and waited for her.

When she was through she walked out and slipped her shoes on.

"I will take you back to your place," he told her.

"No, that would look too suspicious. Just call me a cab, I would rather not have Tyrone wondering why I am hanging around cops."

"You are right of course," he gave in and pulling out his cell phone called a cab for her.

After he hung up he looked at her. "You aren't going to Chad's funeral today are you?"

"I can't. I doubt my head could handle the pressure of the airplane, and I am in no shape to drive."

"Good girl, I was going to stop you if you tried."

"I am sure you would."

She then headed to the door with her belongings and the Chief followed. They parted at the door. "Take care Mandy, I will see you in a few days if not sooner," he told her, then headed in the opposite direction.

Miranda only had to wait a few moments more before the taxi pulled up. She got in and told the driver where to take her.

When he dropped her off at the hotel, Miranda went to her room, kicked off her shoes, and snuggled into bed, falling asleep.

She didn't wake up until she heard insistent pounding on her door. Groggily she got up and wandered to open the door. Tyler stood grinning down at her. "Thought you would never answer," he said as he walked in.

"Tyler, can't you leave me alone? I have a really bad headache," she mumbled.

"Sorry," he apologized, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"What do you want exactly?"

"Just wondering who pushed you out of the car?"

"Some guy named Trent."

"Who was driving?"

"A guy named Alex."

Tyler frowned, a stricken look on his face, but it passed quickly.

"What is it Tyler?" Miranda asked, seeing his face.

"I was just getting angry. I wish I could get my hands on both of them."

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