Chapter 11

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 Miranda glanced at her phone as she hung up and realized she had missed a call from Cole. She wondered why he had called unless he was calling to cancel their date.

She dialed his number, but it went to voicemail. "Detective Ipson, sorry I missed your call, leave a message, unless it's an emergency then call 9-1-1."

Miranda just hung up, she would call him later she supposed. Not knowing what to do, she decided she would go walk down the street. It was after lunch and she hadn't eaten. Grabbing her purse with her gun inside, she locked her door and went down to the lobby and outside. She walked down the street, wondering what Cole was up to, wishing he could join her for lunch.

Involved in her thoughts she only barely noticed the two men backing out of a jewelry store, their guns pointed at the store owner, while they held onto bags of jewels. One of them bumped into Miranda. He grinned at her as he grabbed her.

"Good now we have a hostage," he said, pointing a gun to her head. He dragged her along and out to a waiting car, a sedan with tinted windows. He pulled her inside the car, kicking and screaming. The driver peeled away from the curb, and down the street. Several people who had seen what happened, pulled out their cell phones to call the cops.

The dispatcher instantly put out the call. "All available units, there was just a bank robbery at Haley's jewelers, they have taken a hostage, I repeat, they have taken a hostage. She is petite with brown hair, wearing jeans and a black shirt. The men are driving a late model Cadillac, dark brown, partial plate, 355."

Cole was just on his way out to see if Mandy was in her room when he got the call. His face went pale. That sounded like Mandy was the hostage. Her hotel wasn't too far from the jewelry store.

He jumped into his car and told dispatch he was on his way.

The men sped down the street at an alarming rate, barely slowing down at the corners. Several people had to slam on their brakes to avoid being hit. In the car, Miranda slowly reached down into her purse to grab her gun.

"What are you doing?" one of the men asked, jabbing a gun into her ribs. 

"I need some lipstick," she smirked. "I want to look lovely for my kidnappers." They both wondered why she needed lipstick when she was being held hostage. That is when she acted. She reached back grabbing both of their heads and smashed them together over her lap. The men slumped down unconscious. She then grabbed her gun and pointed it at the driver. "Turn around and go back to the jewelry store, now," she warned him.

"No way lady," he smirked.

"Fine, we will do this the hard way."

She leaned forward and hit him in the head with her gun. He slumped forward, knocked out also, sending the car veering to the right and onto the sidewalk. Maybe that hadn't been such a great plan, after all, she told herself as she leaped over the seat to grab the steering wheel. She couldn't move the man, so she sat on his lap to steer the car. Moments later she pulled off the road, got out of the car, pushed the man into the passenger seat, and climbed back in. She sped back to the jewelry store, where several people still stood, including the store owner. The cops hadn't even shown up yet. The owner looked up stunned when the car pulled up in front of him and stopped. She opened the driver's door and tossed the jewels out, then running around to the passenger side, she opened the door, dragged the driver out, then opening the back door, she pulled out the other men and dumped them in a heap on the ground. "Here are your thieves, and your jewels, sorry, I need the car," she said, and then hopping back into the car, she peeled away, leaving everyone just standing there in shock.

Cole pulled up to the jewelry store along with two other cop cars, to be confronted with three unconscious men, and bags of jewels sitting at the owner's feet.

"Sir, what happened?" Cole asked the owner.

The owner, still looking stunned, shook his head, and then said, "The most amazing thing. My store was just robbed and the men took a young lady hostage. She was just an innocent bystander outside. They dragged her into their car, a gun to her head."

Cole went pale, hoping that Mandy was okay.

"Then what happened?" he asked, as the officers began to cuff the men who were just coming around.

"I don't know exactly, but just moments ago, that same car pulled up, and the door opened. The jewels were thrown out at my feet, then that same young lady jumped out, pulled one of the thieves out of the car, unconscious, dumped him on the sidewalk, then opened the back door, and dragged the other two men out, leaving them in a heap, as you can see, then jumped back in the car and said she needed it, and drove away."

Cole was in shock. Mandy wouldn't do that, would she? But the detective would. He frowned. "You said a brunette?"

"Yes, pretty little thing. Green eyes, wearing jeans and a black shirt. She sure knew what she was doing."

"Thanks, sir," Cole said, "I'll go see if I can find her."

"Oh, leave her alone. She is a hero. If she wanted their car, let her have it, she deserved it," he chuckled.

"I can't do that sir, but I will go and see why she took it. I'll let the officers get your statements," he then hopped back in his car and put out the description of the car, hoping to catch the woman. He was confused. It was probably the detective, but she matched the description of Mandy. Wait, Mandy, Miranda.

He pounded the steering wheel with his fist. "Dammit, she had me bamboozled," he cussed, realizing that was why Mandy had so many disguises, it was because she was a cop. He shook his head, feeling like a fool, and drove to Miranda's hotel. He ran up the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator and pounded on her door.

 "Mandy!" But there was no answer. He sighed. He shouldn't have been surprised at all. More than likely she was headed to the chop shop with the car she had just stolen from the thieves if that had been her. He shook his head as he headed back down the stairs. How could he have not seen it? Mandy was always in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was she? Was she the one who had stopped the museum heist? But how? What about the bank robbery? Had that been her also? And now, the jewelry heist. At every crime scene, there had been a petite woman who had taken down the criminals. Whether she was blonde or brunette. Mandy had some serious explaining to do, that was for sure. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number, but it went to voicemail, no surprise. Should he sit and wait for her? But what would be the point? How long would she be gone? He ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he approached the front desk. A young lady was there and smiled brightly when she saw Cole.

"Sir, how may I help you?"

He pulled out his badge. "I am wondering if you can help me."

"Oh, of course," she said, flustered now that he had shown his badge.

"I was wondering if you know about a young lady staying here, Mandy Winters."

"Sorry sir, but unless you have a warrant, I can't help you."

Cole nodded. "I understand, I'll be back later with a warrant."

He then walked out to his car. He wouldn't get a warrant, he would just confront Mandy and see if she confessed to him. If she really was Miranda Dylan, well, he wasn't sure how he felt about that revelation. Most of all, he just hoped that she would be okay.

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