Chapter 33

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            Back at the safe house the next morning, Joe woke up and grinned. Miranda hadn't come running out of the room screaming. He opened the door to give her a hard time and swore. She was gone. He should have realized she was going to. He shouldn't have slipped and said anything.

He dialed the Chief.

"Johnson," he answered.

"She escaped."

"What? Joe, I told you to keep an eye on her."

"I know, but I think she was on to us, so she left."

"We have to find her, if she goes after Tyrone she will get herself killed."

"You know her better than that Chief, she'll be careful."

"Damn her, I'd better go, so I can tell Stratton and the others."

Chief Johnson hung up. He was in California with Chief Stratton, Tyler, Chad, and Cole.

"What's going on Johnson?" Stratton asked him.

"Miranda escaped."

"Why am I not surprised," Tyler grinned. "I knew she wouldn't be down for long."

"We need to find her," Johnson said.

"How?" Tyler asked. "If she is in disguise, or using a false name, you will never find her."

"She will go after Tyrone."

"If she knows where he is at," Tyler pointed out.

"She will find out," Cole spoke up. "She is very resourceful."

"Let's start with her real name and go with that. She couldn't walk here so let's call the bus stations and the airports in Colorado," Johnson said.

The men nodded and headed away to do their jobs.

"Eureka," Tyler shouted a few minutes later, "she bought a bus ticket to Colorado."

"Colorado?" Stratton asked.

"That's where her grandparents live, but why would she go there?" Johnson said.

"Unless she is trying to throw us off her trail," Tyler grinned.

"Probably," Johnson nodded, "let's keep an eye out for her here."

The men agreed, but they didn't know who they would be on the lookout for. Miranda had too many disguises, all they could do was to see if she showed up at the police station. She couldn't possibly know where the decoy was staying.

After Miranda had finished shopping, she headed back to her hotel room, and deciding she was tired she took a nap, she hadn't slept at all night before, so she needed it.

When she awoke, it was getting dark. Realizing she had a lot to do, she grabbed some fruit from the bowl off the counter provided by the hotel and changed into black clothes, black wig, and brown contacts. She holstered her gun, then snuck out of the hotel. She was glad she didn't have to go through a lobby to get out, she would have looked a bit suspicious dressed all in black.

Miranda had purposely chosen a hotel close to Tyrone's home, knowing she could keep an eye on him from there. She hid behind the huge dumpster outside the mansion walls when she saw two big and burly men headed out of a side gate and to the side of the house. They were headed her way, they hadn't seen her, had they? They stopped right in front of the garbage dumpster and pulled out cigarettes.

They lit them and began to smoke.

"It's too bad we have to come out here so the boss can't see us," one of them said.

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