Chapter 17

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"Ready boys," she said as she headed down the street.

"We can hear you loud and clear," Tyler replied.

"Good," she said.

Right at two, the limo pulled up. She climbed in. Alex nodded at her disguise. He looked behind them to make sure they weren't followed then headed out onto the road.

He didn't say a word as they drove, but Miranda didn't expect him to.

Alex took detours to make sure they weren't followed. Miranda stared straight ahead, acting like she didn't care where they were headed, but she took in every detail.

When they reached the house she was searched and one of the men found her gun. But they let her keep the gun on Alex's insistence.

"She needs it for later," he informed the others.

Tyrone walked down the stairs to meet her. He smiled at her. "You are in disguise, good girl, and I see you wear my gift."

"Yes, I did."

"They look lovely on you, but will look even lovelier in the dress I have chosen for you to wear tonight."

She nodded. "But won't that be hard to wear, in case I need to run?"

He chuckled. "I want you in a dress so those men don't suspect anything. Besides, I will have my men right by you, so you shouldn't have to worry your pretty little head over a thing. Now, have you eaten lunch yet?"

"No, I have not."

"Good, let's go eat, then we shall discuss our plans for tonight, okay?"

She agreed with him and followed him into the dining room. They ate a very luxurious lunch, and afterward, he took her into his study again. He motioned for her to sit as he did. He smiled across at her. "I noticed the cops are not here to arrest me, so you must not have told anyone about me."

"Why would I turn in the man who is treating me so well, and paying me so handsomely. Besides what would they charge you with, they have no proof of anything, do they?"

"No, not a thing, and they never will. So, are you nervous about tonight?"

"A little," she admitted.

"Don't be, besides once you kill one person, a cop isn't so hard."

Miranda tried not to wince. This man was very heartless, but he was a drug lord, so no surprise.

"You can shoot well?" he asked her.

"Yes, I can handle a gun quite well."

"Good, because I don't want you hurt."

"I take it I won't be wearing any protection?"

"No, because I assume this will go off well. If you are shot, then you are not as good as you said you were, right?"

"You are right," she agreed.

"I already had someone tip off the cops about tonight. At midnight on Pier 20. I wanted to make sure we have a good turnout."

He stood then and held out his hand. "Let's go see how good you are with your gun." He knew she had one on her. Alex had informed him that she had carried, but he didn't care, because that meant when she shot the cop, the gun would be traced back to her, not him.

Miranda nodded at him and followed him out into the backyard. The yard was even more beautiful during the day.

"See that statue in front of you?" he pointed to one about ten feet in front of them.

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