Chapter 2

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As Miranda sat musing about her parents she watched a woman saunter into the terminal. She was dressed to kill in a slinky black dress that showed off one too many assets, and every man instantly turned their heads to watch her. Even some women were shooting her an evil glare, jealous of the way she was dressed. The woman seemed oblivious though because she just walked over to a seat by the window and sat down, pulling out her phone, ignoring everyone. Miranda just rolled her eyes. The woman looked very high maintenance. From where she sat, Miranda could tell the woman's face was caked with makeup. Why was it women had to do that? Most women looked nice without it caked on. Miranda wondered if the woman had a sugar daddy. She looked like the type, and Miranda was usually a good judge of character.

A man approached the woman and said something to her, and she just waved him off, not even looking up from her phone. Miranda smirked, wondering what had been said. She was sure that the man had just been shot down though, especially from the look on his face as he walked away.

It was so entertaining, watching people. Her flight was called then, and the woman hopped to her feet, making sure she was the first in line. Of course, she would be flying first class, just like Miranda. Hopefully, Miranda wouldn't have to sit by her.

First-class boarded first of course, and as Miranda got in line behind a few other first-class passengers, the high maintenance woman stood at the front, waving her ticket at the agent. "I'm first class, hello, are you going to let me on?" The ticket agent tried not to roll her eyes. "I'm sorry ma'am, but you will have to wait."

"Why?" the woman sniveled. "I demand to get on first. I don't want to have others bump into me and get their lowliness on me."

The agent looked at her like she was insane. "Ma'am, I will have to ask you to step to the back of the line."

"But," the woman complained.

"If you do not, I will call security who will escort your slutty ass to the police department, do I make myself clear?"

The woman paled and stepped back amid the applause from everyone else.

"Good, now everyone but her in first-class can board."

Miranda smiled at the woman who took her ticket. "Thanks for that."

"She was driving me bonkers," the agent said.

"She was driving all of us bonkers," Miranda admitted.

The woman nodded and handed Miranda's ticket back over. "Have a good flight."

"I will, as long as that woman doesn't sit by me."

"I hear you," the agent grinned as Miranda headed down the jetway.

She was on a Boeing 747, a nice big plane, with plenty of space, for which she was grateful for. She sat down in the front and tucked her purse under her seat, her gun hidden inside it, hopefully, she wouldn't need it. She was hoping for an uneventful flight. Her flight wouldn't leave for a half-hour, so she closed her eyes, waiting for the others to board.

A few minutes later she heard someone clear their throat, and looked up to see a very handsome man looking down at her. "Mind if I sit here? It seems that my seat was taken by someone else," he admitted, nodding at a woman across the aisle. It was the same high maintenance woman, and she was glaring at Miranda. Miranda was okay with him sitting next to her. He stood over 6 feet, was nicely tanned, with light blonde hair and green eyes. He sat down beside her and introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Cole."

"Mandy," she replied, shaking his hand.

He sat back in his seat "So where are you headed?"

"San Francisco. For a vacation."

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