Chapter 21

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It was a couple of hours later when the doctor came out and motioned the men to him.

He then led them to his office.

"Officers," he said, looking at them.

"How is she?" Cole asked.

"She'll be fine. She was a bit low on blood, so I am giving her a pint. I stitched the hole in her leg, and her arm is healing fine, so I just rebandaged it. She has a slight concussion, but nothing to worry about too much. I do want to keep her overnight for observation though."

The chief nodded. "Good, one of us will stay with her."

"I will," Cole said.

"Only because you feel guilty," Tyler snickered.

Cole gave him a look that could kill, but Tyler ignored him.

"Can we go see her?" Cole asked.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, she's down the hall in room 110, and she's awake."

The men all headed out the door then and down the hall to Miranda's room. The door was closed, but Cole opened it and walked in. The nurse was just done hooking up another saline drip and turned to see the three men.

"Don't visit long, she is tired," she said, and then walked out.

All three men gathered around her bed.

"Miranda," Cole whispered, hating to see how pale her face was.

"Cole," she whispered tiredly.

"Miranda, how are you feeling?" the chief asked in concern.

"Like I got hit by a bus, but other than that, I am okay," she chuckled wryly.

"The doctor wants to keep you overnight."

"So I heard."

"I will stay and watch you," Cole said.

She looked at him. His eyes were sad, and she wondered why.

Tyler leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Can't have you down too long, we still have a drug lord to catch."

Miranda glanced at Cole, who was frowning.

"Let me guess, you found out about everything," she said.

He nodded.

"Oh," she whispered.

"I think we will just let you two talk," Tyler smirked. "I'll be back tomorrow, Miranda."

She nodded.

"Take care young lady, I'll let your chief know what is going on," Chief Stratton said.

"Thanks, sir."

He nodded, and the two men headed out.

Cole pulled up a chair by Miranda's bed and sighed.

He didn't take her hand, or kiss her. She knew he was mad. She didn't blame him she supposed.


"Cole, about last night."

"I shot you," he whispered, looking extremely guilty. "I had no idea. No one told me that you were there, that you were working with Tyrone."

"They couldn't," she said. "If anyone knew, he would kill me."

"I am so, so, sorry."

She touched his cheek. "It's okay, Cole, you didn't know. Besides, I wasn't exactly honest with you."

"I understand why," he sighed. "I just feel horrid though."

"I do too," she said, "for lying to you."

He kissed her hand then. "Will you forgive me for shooting you?"

"If you forgive me for not telling you what I was doing."

"Of course," he said, looking relieved.

She smiled at him. "Thanks for not shooting me in the head."

He frowned. "That's not funny. I almost did."

"I know, that's why I said, thank you."

"What happened today?"

"One of Tyrone's men kidnapped me off the street. His men were waiting outside the hotel, apparently, they knew I wouldn't stay inside. Tyrone wanted to tell me that he had a new deal going down, and soon, a real one this time."

"You didn't tell the chief or Tyler."

"I am kind of in pain, and not thinking straight, Cole," she pointed out.

He nodded. "True, so when is this deal?"

"Saturday sometime."

"So, why the concussion?" he asked her.

"I had one of his men push me out the door to make it look like they didn't want me, and I hit my head."

"What is his name, I will kill him myself," he growled angrily.

"Cole, don't worry about it, I asked for it, remember?"

Cole sighed. "I wish you hadn't."

"I do too," she murmured, "but it is done, and I will heal."

"How is your leg?"

"The bullet only skimmed my leg. I am stitched up now, and need to take it easy for a few days."

"Again, I am sorry, Miranda."

"I know, Cole."

He leaned down and kissed her softly. "I would still like to date you if you would have me."

She nodded. "Of course. I am just glad you are so forgiving."

"You more than me," he chuckled. "I shot you, all you did was lie."

"So we are even then?"

He shook his head. "I will always feel guilty."

"Don't Cole. You thought you were shooting some crazy redhead that had shot an agent."

"Yes, that is true," he sighed.

"You can make it up to me," she said.


"Climb in bed by me, and hold me," she said.

He chuckled. "That, I can do."

He picked her up gently and then tucked her against his chest. "Better?" he murmured into her hair.

"Much better," she sighed and closing her eyes, she slept.

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