Chapter 10

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 Miranda called Chief Johnson after she hung up with Cole.

He answered on the first ring. "Miranda, you are calling early."

"I know, but I was out doing my job this morning."

"What happened?"

"I went to the chop shop, and the guy told me I could work for him if I stole a car for him."

"And did you?"

"I did," she said.

"But?" he asked, he could hear the hesitation.

"It was the mayor's car."

"What? Miranda, really?" he chuckled.

She laughed. "I didn't know it was his car, really Chief. The man that took me to steal the car pointed at a BMW sitting in a driveway. He told me to steal that one, and that is what I did."

The Chief chuckled again. "Great, now you are going to have the whole police department looking out for you."

"I know, and I am sure they are."

"Look, let me call Chief Stratton, he's the chief there, and explain the situation."

"Thanks, boss." He hung up, chuckling. What was Chief Stratton going to say about that one?

He dialed his number and he answered on the first ring. "Chief Stratton."

"Stratton, it's Johnson."

"Hey Johnson, I'm a bit busy right now. The mayor's car was just stolen and probably on its way to a chopshop."

"Yeah, it's already there."

"Johnson, do you know something about this?"

"Well," Johnson cleared his throat. "My detective kind of stole his car so she could get in with the chop shop guys."

"What?" Stratton roared.

Cole, who was in his office next door to the Chief's, heard him yell and hopping to his feet he walked into the chief's office. Stratton's face was red, and he was not happy.

"Do you know what damage this could do, Johnson?"

"She apologized. She didn't know it was his car. She was taken to a house and told to steal it, so she did, and now she is in with the group."

Stratton sighed and rubbed his eyes wearily. "He is going to be extremely ticked off about this one."

"I know, and I am sorry, she really had no idea."

"Fine, I will call him and explain the situation."

"Thanks, Stratton. I'll tell her to try and keep it low key next time."

"She had better," he growled and hung up.

He looked at Cole and sighed. "Call off the officers searching for the mayor's car."

"Sir?" Cole asked in confusion.

"Apparently there is a detective here undercover who is trying to bust that chop shop. She was told to steal the car to get hired on at the chopshop."

"Oh," he said. "But why the mayor's car?"

"Apparently she didn't know it was his. She was just told to steal a car, and his car was sitting right there."

"So, what are we doing about it?"

"I'm calling the mayor to let him know."

Cole chuckled and sat down. "I want to hear this one."

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