Chapter 45

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When they got to Joe's place, he dropped Miranda off, then he drove to her place to get her some clothes. When he came back she had some dinner cooking.

"Hey, you are supposed to be resting," he told her.

"I know, but you were kind enough to let me stay," she told him.

"Let me help you," he told her. He took over the cooking of hamburger. She told him she was making tacos and he finished them while she sat at the table talking to him about what had been going on. After they had eaten, Joe sent Miranda to bed, seeing how exhausted she was. She didn't argue. She headed to his spare room and collapsed into bed without even changing her clothes.

When Joe got up in the morning, he smelled bacon. He walked into the kitchen, pulling on his police polo shirt.

"Good morning," he told her.

"Hi Joe," she said, "I figured we should have breakfast before we left," she told him.

He nodded at her and sat at the table. She grabbed the pan from the stovetop, but a searing pain tore through her shoulders and she dropped the pan.

Joe was instantly by her side. "Miranda, are you all right?" he asked her.

"The doctor didn't tell me that both sides would hurt," she complained, as she knelt to clean up her mess.

"Don't you even dare," he told her and pushed her into a chair.

"I'm sorry Joe I made such a mess."

"Hey, it's not a problem," he told her, cleaning it up. He then put the salvaged pieces of bacon onto a plate next to the eggs and toast.

"So both shoulders hurt?" he asked her.

"Yes, but only when I pick up something," she said, feeling dumb.

"I'm sorry Miranda, maybe we should stay home another day," he suggested to her.

"No way Joe," she told him.

He shook his head at her. "I thought you would say that," then he sat to eat.

He glanced her way. "You know if I didn't know that was my partner under that wig and brown contacts, I wouldn't even know who you were."

"That is what I am planning on Joe," she told him.

"Do you have money?" he then asked her.

"Yes, and in that account Tyrone gave me, speaking of which," she brightened.

"You know Joe, I might know where there is a billion dollars stashed," she grinned.

"A billion dollars?"

"Yes. Tyrone sold that chip for a billion dollars to the mafia in China. I will bet you anything his account number is hidden somewhere."

"Like where?" Joe asked.

"I was thinking he might have put it in my account," she mused. "If he thought I wasn't going to need that account, he probably stashed the other money into it."

"We need that account number," he told her.

"Yes, we do," she told him and jumped up. "I think we had better get a move on it, Joe."

He nodded, and hurriedly washing their dishes, she then looked at Joe as they headed out the door.

"Joe, does the boss have my necklace still?" he asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Can we go get it? I am having another hunch," she grinned.

"Sure thing, it is in evidence, but I am sure the boss will let us get it out."

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