Chapter 14

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Cole called her a few minutes before she needed to leave.

"Miranda, I'm pretty busy the rest of the night. I got word about the drug lord being on the move, and I need to see what he is up to. I just wanted to call and wish you goodnight, and to get some good sleep."

"Why?" she asked.

"Knowing you, you will be out doing something tomorrow you shouldn't be," he chuckled.

She laughed. "Probably. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"I hope so," he said. "At the very least I will call you."

"Okay, be safe."

"I will tell the same thing to you," he laughed.

"Goodnight Cole."

"Goodnight Miranda."

She hung up, then grabbing her purse, minus the gun, she headed out the door and outside. She then said, "Okay men, I'm ready to go, hope you are listening."

She shook her head no at the valet and walked down the street to the antique shop.

A dark sedan across the street flashed their lights at her, and she knew it was the agents.

"Good, I don't want to go into this all alone, in case Tyrone gets out of hand."

Exactly at eight, a limo pulled up and the chauffeur climbed out. He was huge, black and muscular. He looked more like a bodyguard. He handed her a bandanna. "You have to be blindfolded. Tyrone does not want anyone to know where he lives."

She nodded and turned so he could blindfold her. Then helped her into the car.

When she was inside she heard him say from the driver's seat, "You have to leave that on until we get there, or both of us will be in trouble."

"Okay, I have no problem with that," she said.

"Good," he replied and started to drive. He was silent the whole time, which was fine, she had some things to think about, like where were her and Cole's relationship going to go from there? Did she really want to stay and work with him when it came right down to it? Yes, she supposed she did.

Minutes later they stopped and her door opened. "You can take that off now," the chauffeur told her. She did as told, letting her eyes adjust, as he helped her out, and led her to the front door of a very large mansion. Miranda was impressed at the grandness of the home as she went inside. Two men met her at the door and searched her and her purse before letting her go any further.

They nodded that she was okay and then she watched as a handsome man walked down the stairs. He was over six feet and nicely built. He had charcoal black hair, tanned skin, and a thin mustache. He was dressed in a gray suit. "Lara?" he asked as he headed to her.

She nodded at him.

"You are very beautiful. I did not expect such a beauty. When you took out my men I figured you had to be around their size, not a petite princess."

"Looks can be deceiving," she stated calmly.

"Yes, they can be," he nodded. He turned to his two guards. "Did she check out?"

"Yes, she's clean," one of them said.

"Good, we wouldn't want any surprises. I don't trust anyone."

"Neither do I," Miranda told him.

"Good, we shall get along then," he told her taking her hands in his.

"So, have you eaten?" he asked her.

"I did."

"Well, perhaps something light then," he told her and led her into a very large dining room.

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