Chapter 34

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Tyler, Cole, Chad and the Chief met back at the precinct. Chief Johnson was already there. He had been informed of what was going on and had met them there.

"Has anyone tried calling Miranda?" Johnson asked the men. "She has a new cell, but I don't know if she will answer."

"She will if it's me," Cole said. "Give me the number."

Johnson told him and Cole dialed listening as it rang and went to a mailbox that wasn't set up.

He hung the phone back up and shook his head. "No luck."

"She'll show her face again," Tyler said. "You can bet she will. There is no way that she is going to let Tyrone get away."

Back at the hotel room, Miranda had just sat onto her bed when her cell phone rang. She frowned when she saw it was Cole. She let it ring. So he knew she was there, oh well, they wouldn't be able to find her, at least not yet. She stood up, found some pajamas and crawled into bed, wondering what the next day would bring.

She awoke the next morning to her cell phone ringing. She glanced over at it and frowned. It was Cole again, but again, she ignored it. She was not going to let them know where she was, no matter her feelings for him.

Cole hung up, frowning "She won't answer my calls," he said to Chief Stratton.

"She could be hurt," Tyler frowned.

"It is possible, but I doubt it. The decoy didn't say anything about her being injured," Stratton pointed out.

"But she was wearing black, so it could have been hard to tell," Cole frowned.

"Cole, I am pretty sure she wasn't hurt," Stratton assured.

At the hotel, Miranda got up and showered then dressed for the day in her blonde wig, a t-shirt and jeans, and blue contacts. After she had eaten breakfast from room service, she headed out.

She had her gun strapped to her ankle in case she needed it and then walked down the street. She was going to keep an eye on Tyrone's men. She was sure they would try something else since they had been thwarted the night before.

Miranda wandered the streets, acting like a tourist until she decided she was hungry. She stopped at a little outdoor café, and sitting down she ordered a sandwich and some lemonade. Just as her food was brought to her, her cell phone rang again. She smiled when she saw it was Tyler.

She sighed and answered it. "You just don't know how to leave anyone alone do you, cousin of mine," she said.

He laughed. "Good to hear you are still alive cousin of mine."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Last night Miranda, you didn't have a hand in that did you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," she said, playing innocence.

"You are not a very good liar, you know that?" he replied.

"Oh really, so where do you think I am?" she asked.

"I believe you are here in San Francisco."

"No, really? But I bought a bus ticket to Colorado."

"Yes, you did, but you never got on that bus, did you?"

"Whatever gives you that idea Tyler? Why would I waste my money on buying a ticket and not use it?" she laughed.

"Whatever, look we need to know where you are."

"Nope, sorry Tyler, and if you think you can trace my phone? Too bad, I have blocked the transmission."

"Ooh, you really are sneaky," he admitted.

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