Chapter 19

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Miranda woke up to the smell of something heavenly. She got up and grimaced. Her leg and her arm hurt, both. She sighed and grabbed a pain pill. Oh well, at least she had a few days off to heal, which she was grateful for. She got up and bathed then got dressed in jeans and a shirt, then headed out to the kitchen.

She tried not to drool at the sight before her. Cole was standing at the stove, cooking, and he didn't have a shirt on. His back muscles moved as he worked, and she wanted to kiss his back, but she would resist.

He turned, sensing her presence and smiled at her. His chest was even more impressive. She bit her lip, trying not to drool at his physique.

He chuckled as she checked him out. "Like what you see?"

She blushed. He stepped up to her and pulling her to him, he kissed her.

She held onto him, her hands on his bare back. She rubbed her hands up and down his back, feeling the muscles.

He tightened against her and then pulled back. "You keep doing that, breakfast might be forgotten," he whispered into her ear, making her blush and drop her hands. "Breakfast is ready."

"It smells heavenly," she told him.

"I went shopping while you slept," he admitted.

"But you are cooking without a shirt?"

He chuckled and winked. "Didn't want to get grease on my shirt, and I don't mind you checking me out," he teased.

He smiled and piled up two plates with food, setting them on the table. They were just sitting down to eat when a knock sounded on the door.

Cole hopped up, pulling out his gun, but put it away when he saw who it was. He opened the door and Tyler walked in. He looked at Cole and then at Miranda, and hid a smirk.

"Came by to see how you were doing, Miranda," he said.

She sighed. "I'm okay, how are you?"

"I'll be okay," he said softly. "Chad died doing what he loved, and he knew the dangers."

"I still feel so awful."

"Don't," he said, hugging her. He then saw their food.

"We have plenty," Cole assured him.

He nodded and helped himself to a plate. He sat down by Miranda and they began to eat.

Cole glanced over at Miranda a few minutes later and frowned. She was only picking at her food.

"Miranda, are you okay?" he asked.

She sighed. "I suppose I am, I just don't feel well today."

He nodded. She did look pale.

"Is your gunshot wound bothering you?"

"A bit, but I took some pain meds." He didn't need to know about her other gunshot wound that he had given her.

He nodded. "I suggest you just rest today, it's been a bad few days."

She nodded. "It has."

"Eat something," he told her.

She nodded again.

"You don't have to steal any cars right now, do you?" Tyler asked her.

"Not that I know of," she said. "I am sure I will be called when I need too."

"Why can't you bust them now?" Cole asked her.

"I don't have enough evidence, yet."

"You mean stealing the mayor's car wasn't enough?" he teased her.

She finally smiled. "Not quite enough, but don't worry, I will take them down soon."

Cole stood then, having finished, and seeing that Miranda was done, he took her plate and then washed the dishes. Tyler stood and helped with the dishes.

"Care if I stay for a bit?" Tyler asked Miranda.

"No, I don't mind at all."

"I need to get to work," Cole said, putting his shirt on. He leaned down and kissed Miranda. "Stay safe, I'll see if I can stop by later."

"Okay," she smiled at him.

He nodded at Tyler then and headed out.

She sighed as he left, and Tyler chuckled.

He then got up and swept the room for bugs, and not finding anything, he sat down by Miranda on the couch.

"How is your leg?" he asked her.

"It hurts like hell," she admitted.

He chuckled. "I bet it does, and if Cole finds out he is the one who shot you, he is going to feel very guilty."

"Then let's not tell him, shall we?" she said.

"Let me see your leg," he said.

She gingerly lifted her pant leg. He unwound the bandage and frowned. "Looks like he took out a nice chunk."

"That he did."

"You were glued though?"

"Tyrone called in his doctor and he patched me up."

"That's good," Tyler said. "Nice waterworks by the way."

"Thanks, I had to make it look good. I didn't want Cole to know that I knew Chad was still alive."

"He knows he's still alive."

"Then why is he so ticked?"

"Because he wants to find the woman who shot Chad."

Miranda smirked. "If he only knew. I'm just glad he only took a chunk out of me, and that he didn't shoot me in the head."

"That would not have been good," Tyler agreed. "He'll eventually find out you know."

"And he will find out that Tyrone is involved with this whole car theft ring too," Miranda added.

"But we aren't saying a word," Tyler said.

"Not yet."

"Are you going to be okay today?" he asked.

"I will be. I am going to rest."

"Good idea. I'll let my boss and the chief know what's going on."

"If you would, and I will call my chief."

He nodded and stood. "I'll be right next door." He then saw her phone on the table and grabbing it, he put his number into it. "Just in case," he said, and then after smiling at her, he walked out of the room.

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