Chapter 26

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The flight was uneventful, which Miranda was grateful for because she needed more sleep. She felt like she hadn't slept in a year. Joe let her sleep and didn't wake her until they were getting ready to land.

After they got off the plane, Miranda collected her luggage then waited while Joe went and got his car. He pulled up to the curb and she threw her luggage inside the trunk then climbed in.

"We have to go to the precinct first," he informed her. "The chief wants to know what happened exactly, and he has a new assignment for us."

"Yippee. Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

He chuckled. "It could, but you know the chief wants every little detail."

"Okay, fine, but I am going home to sleep right after."

"I don't blame you," he said, then looked over at her. "You okay?"

"Yes, just glad to be home," she told him. But he could tell she was sad because she wasn't able to tell Cole goodbye. He was hoping that she would be able to work things out with him. He seemed to be a decent guy, what he had seen of him.

They were silent all the way to the precinct, which Miranda didn't mind because when they walked into the building she was bombarded by her coworkers. They began to clap when she walked in and soon she was receiving hugs and handshakes. The Chief walked up to her then, smiling from ear to ear. "Welcome back Captain Detective," he said, as he handed her a new badge. "You deserve it, Miranda, after what you did last night? I almost wanted to give you my job," he grinned.

"Thanks, Chief, but I'll pass on that. Captain works just fine," she grinned, replacing her new badge with the old one.

"The police commissioner called to let me know that the president is thinking of the medal of valor for you."

"But Chief, it wasn't all me."

"It was too," Joe grinned. "Give yourself some credit Miranda."

She shook her head. "Whatever, I still had a lot of help."

"So tell me exactly what happened?" the Chief said as they sat down in his office a few minutes later.

Miranda nodded and sitting down, dived into her story. Both men stared at her in awe.

"So the engagement ring is with the Chief there?" her Chief asked.

"With Chief Stratton sir, and I still am wearing the earrings and necklace," she pointed to them.

"The Chief didn't need them for evidence?" he asked.

"No, he told me to take them."

"Are you going to keep them?"

"I will keep the earrings since they are wired, the necklace I don't know, maybe I will frame it," she grinned.

"Only you would," Joe laughed.

"I can see why you are up for the Presidential Honor," her Chief said, "I am quite impressed."

"Thank you, sir. Aren't you jealous you weren't there Joe?" she teased.

"Yeah, I am," he admitted, "I would have liked to take down both of those creeps myself."

She only smiled at him, then she stood. "Sir? May I leave now? I am hungry and tired."

"Of course Captain, you'll be in tomorrow for another assignment?"

"Of course sir. So why did you want us home so quickly?"

He frowned. "Well, it is more for your safety than anything. I don't want word getting out about you because Tyrone and Tomori have many associates. You are safer here than in California. Hopefully, Tyrone won't know you are here."

"I hope not," she nodded.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yes sir," she nodded.

"I'll drive you home," Joe told her, nodded at the Chief then the two of them headed out.

Joe dropped her off at her place and wished her a good night. "Want me to come and get you in the morning?" he asked her.

"No thanks, I can drive."

"Okay, see you tomorrow," he told her.

She nodded at him, grabbed her luggage, and headed into her place. Inside, she flipped on the lights, walked to her room and threw the luggage onto the floor, then headed back to the kitchen to find something to eat. She found some soup and after heating it, she ate and then headed to bed. She was just about asleep when her phone rang. "Hello?" she said groggily.

"Miranda," she heard.

"Cole," she grinned.

"Hey, sorry I didn't get to see you off, but I was interrogating suspects."

"I understand," she said.

"I really am sorry. I was hoping for a few more days, or months with you before you headed back home, or I was kind of hoping I could talk you into staying," he admitted.

She smiled. "I would have liked that Cole, but the chief called me home. He is worried that Tyrone might send some men after me if I stayed there."

"I understand. I'll try and come and see if I can."

"I would like that. I'll be there for the trial anyway, but I really want to stay in touch, Cole."

"I do too," he admitted. "I care deeply for you Miranda, I love you deeply, I should say."

Her heart fluttered at his words. "I love you too Cole."

"Promise me you will stay safe?"

"I will try my best," she replied.

"Good. I'll call you every chance I get, and you do the same."

"Okay, and I will see you soon?"

"Of course," he said. "I love you, have a goodnight, okay?"

"Love you too and I'll talk to you soon."

She then hung up, smiling, glad he had called. It hadn't been the same as a goodbye kiss, but he had told her that he loved her, and that was just as good.

She went to sleep, a smile on her face. 

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