Chapter 4

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Nina's POV

Me and Amber went back upstairs to finish unpacking and go to bed. I was trying to figure out how I was gonna tell her what I still needed to tell her. I thought for a second and then came up with the words.
"Amber! I need to tell u something very important." I said.

"Yes anything for you Nins" she said with a huge smile.

"Okay don't freak out about this..."

"Just tell me Nina. You can tell me anything." she said still smiling.

"Okay I found out over the summer that the Osirian and the Chosen One can't be together or bad things happen."

"Like what?"

"I don't know total world domination, just bad things. But see I live with Eddie and everytime he come to America from his dads house I would go spend the night at a friends house but this time it's different. we are like together."

"Does he know about this?" Amber asked me.

"Yes. I had to tell him. he is my protector."

"Well have u told Fabian yet?"

"No I'm scared of what he will think."i said looking sad.

"Okay you need to tell him!"

"Yeah yeah I know. We can in the morning right now I'm tierd."

"I know and being tiered isn't good for my complection" she said as we both laughed and climbed into bed.

That night I had a dream. a dream that I wish never happend. it felt so real. I had a dream that me and Eddie were in the Frobisher Library and then Sarah appeared. She said "marry him chosen one" and then me and Eddie kissed. But I don't want Eddie. I want Fabian or do I?

That morning was even weirder. I got to the dinner room and saw Fabian and Eddie talking and then it got silent when I walked in.

"Um hi." I said very awkwardly.

"Hey. sleep well?" He asked with a beautiful smile.

"Well I guess."i said.

"Is everything Okay?" He asked.

"Yeah everything is fine." I said.

"Well not for me. Has anyone seen Patricia?" Amber asked.

"No I haven't. were is she?" I asked.
Then Eddie got up and walked out he room. Thats odd.

After we all ate we went into the family room and caught up. Today was Sunday and we didn't have to go to school until Monday. It was nice being with my British family again. I looked down at my phone and I had a text from Fabian that said "hey come to my room" and then I noticed that he Wasnt even in the family room. So I got up and went to Fabians room. and then I knocked on the door.

"Come in." he said. I opened the door and went in.

"Hey. you wanted to see me." I giggled. play it cool Nina.

"Um yeah I just figured we could spend some time together."he said.
"Here sit next to me." he sat me down beside him on his bed had he sang and played his guitar.

"Nina, Nina, you are so beautiful to mee. Nina, Nina, please please please kiss me.." and at that moment he put down his guitar and leaned in and kissed me. I giggled.

"Nina you don't how much I've missed you" he said to me and all i could think about was him!

"Oh Fabian.." I began but I started to cry. I missed him so much and I was keeping this secret away from him.

"Nina what's wrong?" he asked sitting me in his lap.

"It's just I love you so much and I missed you. if something were to happen to u I don't know what I would do." I managed to say.

"Nina what are I talking about?" he asked.

"Fabian I found out over the summer that me and Eddie are to be kept apart or bad things happen. And then last night I had a dream that me and Eddie were in the Frobisher Library and Sarah appeared to me and told me that me to marry him but I don't want to..." I stopped to sob. "..I want you Fabian and only you." I managed to say as he patted my back.

"Oh Nina. it's okay. I love you to. Dont worry about this okay? It will be okay Nina." he said as he held me in his arms.

"I sure do hope so because i don't know what i would do without you here." I said as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you to." I said back and he leaned in for a kiss and then..

"It's 10 o'clock you all know what that means.."

"I'm sorry..." I said

"Wait..stay" he said.

"But Victor he will.."

"Just stay with me tonight. Trust me he won't come in here."he said.

"But I have no blankets or clothes with me.."

"We can share mine and just make sure to wake up before everyone else and get changed" he said enticing me.

"Haha okay I'll stay."I said.

"Yes! We can talk about anything! Haha." he said laughing.

"Haha okay!"

"I love you Nina."

"I love you to Fabian."

That night was amazing! We didn't do anything bad we just stayed up half the night talking about out summers and how we would plan more dates and I could come visit over the summer! It was amazing! He held me and kissed me and how could I honestly be with Eddie? I am not in love with him but maybe it's destiny an I can't fight it!

So honestly how was that? And where is Patricia? Questions to be answered and please read And comment! Thanks!

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