Chapter 11

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Joy's POV

After that 'fight' I had with Nina I hardly came out of my room. Patricia hardly talked to me and the only one that really cared was Mara. I mean seriously Nina always ruins everything. If I hadn't left she wouldn't be there. Today was the day we were auditioning for the school play. The parts were:
Mary, Jon, Ron, and Cindy.
Mary was the one that shares a kiss with Jon. Ugh. I bet Nina will get that roll and Fabian will get Jon. Hopefully I won't have to watch.

"Okay people we will be auditioning each roll. Nina, Amber, and Joy will be Auditioning for Mary. Me and Patricia will Audition for Cindy. Fabian an Eddie for Jon. And Jerome and Alfie for Ron. We will start with the girls" Mara said.

We auditioned for the roll of Mary and Nina was first. Ugh I really hate her. After here was Amber and might I say Amber was pretty good.

"Joy. Its your turn" Mara said. I walked on the stage and said my line.

"Action" she said.
I began with everyone watching me.

"Jon. I don't know how to tell you this. Im suffering, suffering inside because I'm in love with you. Weather you knew or not I just wanted you to know that who you choose to be your bride I will be okay with it. Cause you see if you love someone you set them free.." I finished and all the Boys clapped and so did Mara.

"Wow Joy not bad." Mara said.

"Thanks " I said with a smile and Walked away with a smile.
After everyone Auditioned Mara came on stage to tell us who had what part.

"Okay so the part Cindy will be played bye Patricia." everyone clapped.

"No way." Patricia said not knowing what to think.

"Ron will be played bye Alfie" everyone clapped and Alfie pumped out his chest.

"And Jon will be played bye Fabian"
Whoa whoa. I wonder who Mary is!

"And Mary will be played bye Joy."she said and everyone stopped of a second and then cheered except for Nina who was oveously mad.

"Mara was I really that good?" I asked.

"Yes you were. You were amazing Joy."

"Aww thanks Mars." I said and we hugged and laughed.

<<back at the house>>

Nina's POV

After auditioning we all went back to the house. And boy was I mad! Joy gets to kiss Fabian in this play! And they are gonna probly practice it
Over and over! I couldn't think about that my life was at state! I don't know what to do so I texted Eddie and asked him to come up to my room so we could talk about the dream I had last night.

Eddies POV

I was in my room until Nina texted me and asked me to come upstairs so we could talk. I thought maybe something was wrong so I went up and knocked on her door.

"Come in" she said. I walked in and saw her laying on her bed.

"Hey what's up. Everything okay?" I said.

"I figured I could tell you about.. about the dream " she stuttered.

"Yeah yeah. Tell me" I said as I sat next to her.

"Okay well I had a dream that Sarah appeared to me and told me that I need to stay bye you and marry you. And I told her that I was in love with someone else and she said that the only way to break our bond is if we find true love. And then I asked her who is after me.."

"And.." I said.

"Do u remember that spirit that you
Destroyed back in the Frobisher library last year?" she said.


"Well she also appeared to me and said that we can't get rid of her this time." she said.

"But u haven't seen her since the dream?"


"Then Maybe is was just old memories."

" I don't know Eddie."

"It will be okay. I will protect you with my life. I care about you way to much." I said to her. Did I really just say that? I can't be with her. She's with Fabian and me with Patricia.

"Thanks Eddie." she said.

"Well uh you coming down for dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said and we walked down stairs together.

Uh oooo! Is is Jabian? Fabina? Peddie? Or Neddie? Wooooo so many QUESTIONS! Haha till next time!

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