Mating ritual pt.1

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"Annnd here's yours!" Jimin handed him a cup with some clear liquid in it, something that most definitely wasn't water. Plopping down beside him, he took a sip from his own drink.

Taehyung looked down at the drink in his hand and then to his best friend, raising his eyebrows a bit as he sent him a questioning smile. 

"What are we celebrating?"

Jimin smirked widely and turned to face him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder. 

"Don't think I haven't seen it, you know you can't hide anything from me bro. You and that y/n chick totally has something going on."

He knew too well that Jimin was right, he always was in these kinds of situations. If it was one person who knew him from start to finish, then it would definitely be him. 

Feeling how a slight blush appeared onto his cheeks, Taehyung's gaze dropped down to his hands just to have anything else to look at except for his friend. Even though he could clearly feel his curious eyes on him. 

"You really like her don't you?" Jimin said now with a lot softer voice, holding back his excitement for a moment. 

Slightly nodding his head as an answer before looking up, pausing for a brief moment and then said 

"It's so strange, the way she makes me feel like I could do anything. Looking into her eyes, feels like floating on a cloud. I know it sounds silly, but it's like she has this certain aura around her that just lights everything up."

While he had been speaking, a shy smile had been forming on his full lips without even noticing it himself. Jimin was just sitting there in silence as he observed him with a warm gaze, happiness filling up his whole chest for his close friend. 

For so long they had known each other, growing up side by side, watching each other become the adults that they today was. The two of them had been inseparable since such a young age, supporting one another through thick and thin. Jimin had played a big role in Taehyung's life after both his parents had passed away, him along with Namjoon, had been like a extra family. 

"The's too strong! My heart, it hurts-" 

Clutching his chest with both hands, Jimin jokingly pretended to be in pain from all the cheesy things that he had just heard. Grimacing dramatically until Taehyung playfully slapped his forearm while laughing embarrassed. 

"Yah stop it!"

Like out of nowhere his dramatic performance came to a abrupt stop, as his eyes slowly opened and he leaned in close. And just like that, his whole face had switched to a distinct look that Taehyung knew too well. He had seen it so many times before, that devilish look that Jimin tended to wear every now and then. 

"Now, love aside...have the two of you... done it yet?"


Feeling his body immediately froze on the spot as his cheeks went back to being pink again, Taehyung awkwardly scratched the back of his head from the rather blunt question. If he was going to be completely utterly honest, he could admit to that he had indeed been imagining something similar to what Jimin was referring to. It was just that it was still all pretty fresh between the two of you, man he wasn't even sure if he could call your relationship anything yet. Sure technically you had been confessing to one another, but that was also it. 

"I mean, not everyone sleep around with the first girl that they happened to bump into you know." Taehyung quickly added, chuckling at Jimin's smug expression.

"Hey don't put the blame on me, accuse my irresistible charms instead." he exclaimed jokingly and pointed at himself, but then turned the focus back to Tae. "Nah I know what you're doing, don't try to change the subject! However, you shouldn't force it, it should just come naturally when the moment feels right." 

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