Chapter three

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" we found her like this... "
Garmadon quietly speaks as the team enters the hospital room. Jey and Zane was already there, sitting by her side. Even through they hadn't known her that well, she had played a big role in taking down the league two years ago.
Lloyd was stunned at the sight of her. " w..what happened? Where did you find her...?" He sadly whispers as he quietly takes a seat close to her. He took her cold hand into his as he studied her beautiful face. It had been two years, and she looked even more stunning.
" I received a report from a village not to far from sticks, the sea village about a troubling tension close by. They suspected it being an explosion of some kind, but when Jey got there to investigate, all he found was 47 laying unconscious on the ground." Garmadon response, watching his son.
" I almost didn't recognize her... she was covered in dirt and blood" Jey added.
" we also found this..."
Jey held up an object. At first, Lloyd couldn't see what it was, but when Jey turned on it, he saw it.
" a.. mask?" Kai confirmed Lloyd's thoughts. Kai grabbed the thing out of Jey's hands and studied it.
" this isn't a league mask... right Lloyd?" Kai looks over at Lloyd to make sure he was listening.
" hand it over, I'm not sure" with that, Kai handed the mask over to Lloyd who now held it up to study it. It wasn't a league mask, that he could confirm, but who in the world used a mask? We're there other organizations out there that were just like the league? Was this mask a symbol or was it just a pice of junk? How many people had been attacking 47?
Lloyd studied the mask closely. By the look of it, it was just pice of a mask and not the whole thing. The only colors in the mask was black and blue, and by the look of it, it was marking a large X.
" I've never seen anything like this..." Lloyd mumbles as he looks up at his father. Garmadon quietly pics up the mask pice.
" I don't think I have either. Nor do I think Wu has... but I believe 47 may have more answers than any of us..." he looked down at the poor girl in the hospital bed. What had she been doing in Sticks...? And what happened..?
" let's wait until she wakes up, she doesn't seem to be in danger. She will probably wake up through this day, don't worry." Garmadon gave Lloyd a warm smile, mostly referring to him about her condition.
Lloyd quietly nods as he understood. However, he did not leave her side. With her cold hand in his warm, he stood by her side through the whole day. He would have stayed through the entire night as well if it hadn't been for Kai who forced Lloyd to go to bed at that point.
But Lloyd couldn't stop thinking about the mask, or at least the pice of the mask they had. He knew it didn't seem familiar, but there was something else about it. This person...or persons had managed to defeat (your/name)... witch meant they were professional fighters... because the 47 he knew, she would never go down without a fight, and believe it or not, she was a beast when it came to combat. The thought of this made Lloyd smile for a second.
He could remember the days back in the league when they had been trained there. How they used to be a team. She, Damon, Armen, Lloyd and Morro.
The twins and Lloyd were now back in a team with the ninjas. 47 had left two years ago to figure things out and Morro... he had died that day the league collapsed. Damon had confirmed it and it had broke everyone's heart.
A part of Lloyd still hoped he was alive, but Damon and 47 had watched him die when the boulders fell on him, crushing him.
Lloyd opened his eyes. There was no use in trying to sleep now, he clearly couldn't bring himself to. He was thinking to much and to be honest, he didn't feel like ninjago was safe for much longer. He had this weird feeling that something was growing in the shadows, and they were not going to play nice.
Quietly he got up from his bed and left the room quietly. He didn't know why, but he brought the mask with him outside, as if it contained all the answers to all his questions and worries. At least he needed some air to think starting.
He walked out to the garden in the back where Misaco, his mother loved to tend to the plants there. She was of course not there now, and it was winter, so there wasn't any flowers there either, but the snow hadn't reached them yet and the ground wasn't freezing cold.
He sat down and leaned in towards the wall, holding the mask in his hands.
" who are you... and why did you attack her..." Lloyd mumbled to the mask, just simply watching it.
" you know... you somehow remind me of the league... but I know you're not the league, the masks there were totally different... they were grey... red and yellow... but black and blue doesn't represent the league at all.. so what do you represent? Who is your master...?" Lloyd mumbled as he quietly moved his eyes from the mask and up to the skies above them. The stars were shining bright down at him and there didn't seem to be anything wrong going on in this peaceful world. But little did he know...

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