Chapter 23

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" alright guys! We're dropping you guys off here!" Nya calls out as they start to fly lower with the bounty to let down Lloyd, Wu and 47. It took some time to reach the ground, but as they do, Seliel quickly grabs Lloyd's arm before he steps off the ship.
" you're... the green ninja.. right?" Seliel asks, and Lloyd nods in reply.
" yes.. I am, how come?"
She slowly turns around to see if anyone was watching them.
" just... don't get caught alright...?" She tells him and Lloyd slowly nods. He wasn't sure what she meant about that but she could be right. Maybe the enemy was lurking around, watching them...
" I will be careful, but so should you." He tells her. She quietly nods and turns to look at Cole who was busy moving some large boxes.
" you guys.. are different from the X squadron... he saved my life when we fell... why would he do that...? Risk his own life for me...? A stranger..?" She knew it sounded weird, but for some strange reason... she wanted to know.
A smile crosses Lloyd's face and he chuckles.
" that's what we do... we save lives, we do anything to protect ninjago... and I believe he decided to give you a second chance to do good." Lloyd replies to her and turns away to leave. Seliel didn't say another word.
A second chance to do good... had they really given her a new chance...? How could these people be so... good..? She wasn't used to such kindness.. but she truly was great full for it.

" you sure we can trust her..?" 47 whispers to Lloyd as he joins her.
" honestly... I do" Lloyd replies. He couldn't exactly explain why or how, but he just had this feeling that he was doing the right thing in trusting her.
" well I'm not so sure about her..." 47 replies and turns her gaze forward.
" why is that?" Lloyd asks her as they walk towards the jungle.
" I don't know... she's so eager to help us... it almost seems like this is a part of her plan to lure us into a trap.
" well, it's good to not blindly trust her. But believe me... she didn't expect Cole to save her during their fall... I think she has realized that there's good in this world, and if she wants.. she can help defending it."
" yeah yeah... but just know that I got your back alright?" 47 tells him.
A smile escapes Lloyd.
" and I got yours." These were the exact words they used when they were kids... back in the old days at the league, the two of them always teamed up together during training. They got so used to each other that they even began to develop strategies and secret signs to help each other out.
" let's move on before it gets to dark" Wu interferes and leads the way towards their location. It was a long trip, and Lloyd had to admit that these parts of the jungle seemed more unnatural than a normal jungle would be like. The trees were tall, but what the major difference were the colors that surrounded them. It was starting to get darker, but these plants seemed more dark... weren't a jungle supposed to be covered in colorful green colors?
" this place is kinda creepy..." 47 mumbles as she gently rips off a leaf from a bush, studying it.
" you sure this is a jungle master Wu?" Lloyd asks.
" I'm afraid I can't be sure... but I must admit this place does not seem natural" he replies. It was obvious that he didn't like place and so didn't they. But if the tomb of fire were somewhere close by, then this would all be worth it.
The jungle was to quiet. A normal jungle would be overwhelming with noises of insects, birds and animals, but all you could hear here were the wind howling.
47 tried her best not to think of it. She usually didn't like to admit her own weaknesses, but this forest wasn't exactly pretty. It almost seemed dried out, except the fact that it was not. It was alive... but evil. And it was then she spotted it...
" Lloyd... look at this." She grabbed his hand and made the two of them stop.
" what is it..?" Lloyd replies and turns towards whatever she was pointing at. Not to far away from then was a large rock. If 47 hadn't spotted it, then he probably would have walked by it without even giving it a thought, but now that it has caught his attention, he saw it.
" there's a symbol carved into the rock..." Lloyd mumbles as he walks towards it. He doesn't walk to close, just to be sure there wouldn't be any traps close by.
" I've never seen anything like it..." 47 mumbles and looks over at Wu to see if he recognized it. And by the look of him... he did.
" Lloyd... step away from that rock..." Wu carefully grabs his shirt and pulls Lloyd backwards, away from the rock.
" what's wrong sensei...?" Lloyd asks as he realizes something if off.
" that rock is just a warning... it's an old language. They're telling us to stay away from what is ahead." Wu tells them.
Shivers runs down 47's spine and she almost wished she never saw it.
" well that's kinda creepy... but why pulling me away from the rock... could it be a..?"
Before Lloyd gets to finish his sentence, Wu replies.
" a trap. Yes. But that's why it's written in a language witch only the people who lived here could read. A stranger would walk up to it to study the rock, while someone who could read it could safely get by it." Wu tells them.
" well... now I'm kinda great full for some of the training and knowledge I've revived from growing up with the league..." Lloyd mumbles and gently allows 47 to walk in front of him, knowing she wouldn't be happy to walk behind him. She had always had this fear if being attacked from behind where she couldn't see the enemy.
" but if you're looking on the bright side, this is prof that we're about to discover something that may help us find the tomb of fire." Wu tells them.
" or maybe it's THE tomb of fire?" Lloyd shoots in.
" or maybe that" Wu replies and they continue to walk in the direction they were headed.
" I think we're closer than we think..." 47 mumbles as she sees more rocks with the same symbol on, surrounding them.
" I believe you..." Wu replies and stops. Lloyd was confused at first, but then he sees it. Ahead of them lays a large entrance to what looks like a fallen, overgrown temple. It's half way into the ground, so this has to be ancient.
" this place must have been built long before my father came to this realm.." Wu mumbles as he brushes off some old plants from a rock in front of the entrance.
" it's kinda dark in there... shouldn't we get something to lit up the path with?" 47 suggest, but Lloyd was already on it. He grabbed a bunch of wood and picked out the ones that seemed like the best ones to use as torches. With a small spark, he manages to lit it and hands each one of them a torch each.
" never mind I guess.." 47 replies and accepts one.
" I hope this isn't a trap... Lloyd mumbles as he carefully enters the large dark building, Wu and 47 following closely behind,
" we got your back" 47 tells him. A smile escapes Lloyd and together they all continue down the path towards wherever the old temple was taking them.

As the sun quietly settles, the twins decides to get up from the couch and do some training. Cole has forbidden them to play on their game console, remembering that last time they played, they almost destroyed it.
" I usually wouldn't waste my free time on fighting your ass, but I guess we got nothing else to do right?" Armen speaks as both he and Damon walks out onto the training grounds, dressed up in simple clothes such as pants and a simple T-shirt.
" nah brother, you're not going to kick my beautiful ass, it's yours that's in danger." Damon grins up at his brother and they both grab a katana made out of wood.
" may the best twin win" Armen replies with a smug grin on his face.
" may your ass be ever in your favor" Damon replies and they both bursts out laughing.
" this is kinda stupid you know. Sensei Garmadon wouldn't be impressed by our childish behavior." Damon chuckles as he points the wood sword at his brother.
" childish behavior? Nah, he's the one who doesn't own a sense of humor at all" Armen replies and does the first move. He swings his sword at Damon and collided with his sword. Damon easily blocks the attack and gives Armen a kick to push him away.
Not the talk went down and the two brothers begins to take this battle a little bit more serious. Each time they get to strike a punch here and there, and Armen ends up hitting a strike to Damon's ass in the end, winning their little match.
" well guess I'm the better twin then" Armen tells his brother. The battle between them hadn't lasted long, but it had been intense and both were exhausted by the end of it.
" you can be the better twin until our next match, then I will kick your ass" Damon replies and grabs onto a water bottle.
" gg bro" Armen chuckles and does the same as his brother and grabs his own water bottle.
" wanna watch a movie? I don't think we're forbidden to do that" Damon suggest.
" I'm down bro!" Armen replies.
But just as they were about to open the door to exit the outdoor dojo, a dagger flies through the air and nearly hits Damon's hand, missing it by inches. Damon first thought this was a joke by Armen, but then a voice speaks up.
" I'm sorry boys... I think the party is coming to an end"
They both quickly turn around to face whoever this person was, but when they turn... there wasn't just one guy standing there... but a whole squadron of masked figures.

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