Chapter 30

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His heart hurts.... his head hurts, everything hurt...
47's hand was resting onto his, not speaking a word. None of them did...
what was there to say..? What was there to do..? No one could bring Armen back from the dead...
The funeral had broke his heart... probably not only his... but everyone's.. the X squadron has gone to far now... there was nothing more he wanted now than revenge... revenge was what they deserved... revenge is was what they were going to get...
" Lloyd..." her soft voice speaks his name.
" don't... don't lose yourself.." she whispers. Lloyd didn't move. How could he not...? And did it really matter..? How could she be so calm after losing their teammate and brother like this..? How couldn't he be calm like her...?
47 quietly squeezes his hand.
" Armen wouldn't want us to take revenge, he would want us to continue our mission in stopping the dark lord's return..." she whispers.
The rain was pouring down around them.
How could she...? How could she still be this strong..? After losing.. him..?
Tears threatened to come out again, but he refused. Tears weren't going to bring Armen back... neither was just standing there in the rain, starting down at his grave...

Without a word, he let go of 47's hand. He didn't mean to seem cold towards her... but right now... he needed time for himself... time to calm down and think out their next move...
Seliel's condition was still unknown. The same could be said about Brine.. they could be alive.. or they could be both dead.. who knew..?
The good news were Kai... he was safe... he was home.. and that truly was a relief...
From a distance, Zane watches Lloyd leave the memorial. He had maybe been the first to arrive at the temple... but the shock had been just as big on the others as it had been for him... yes he was a nindroid.. but he had never felt this much pain in years...
He wanted to follow Lloyd, make sure he wasn't up to anything. Back in the tomb of fire, Brine had managed to beat him up pretty well.. thanks to 47, he was still here today... he wouldn't have managed to live on if two of his brothers had died..
" guy's... it hurts me to say this... but we can't stay... the x squadron has all the daggers... if we want to prevent more deaths to come.. then we must stop them before it's to late.." Wu now stands before them all.
" let's.... let's not allow Armen's death be wasted... let us honor him by defeating this uprising evil" he continues, quietly drying away a tear that had managed to escape his eyes.
The others quietly nods in agreement. Even though this was painful to them all... they had to move on.. they had to stop evil from riding up again, they couldn't let Armen's life go to waste... he gave up his own life to prevent the x squadron from getting hold on the dagger of earth... they weren't going to waste his hard work...
" then.. I guess it's time to search for the final tomb then..." Nya quietly mumbles. Skylor, who had been standing quietly next to Kai this whole time finally decided to step up and take the world.
" there's no need to search... I know where it is... and so do you Green ninja" skylor turns around to face Lloyd who was on his way inside when he were stopped by Skylor.
" I... do..?" He asked confused. He honestly didn't have any idea to where it could be at all, but by the look on her face, it didn't seem like she was lying.
" I remember you from back in the days with the league, you're the kid who took over as the Renegade," Skylor tells him.
" I... I guess I was, but that doesn't explain anything" Lloyd replies. All he truly wanted was to get out of sight and be alone... but sensei Wu was right.. there was no time to waste.. Armen wouldn't want him to...
" don't you remember...? All the carvings on the walls? The paintings? The legends?" Skylor replies.
" yes... the throne room.. but what about that? It was the legend about the green ninja defeating the dark lord...and last time i was there.. I destroyed the place... the whole league base is destroyed." Lloyd tells her. He didn't know this girl, but there was no use in trying to convince her to be wrong.
" you sealed him away, trapped him. He has not been fully defeated yet, and remember the throne?" Skylor keeps pushing on. Everyone were watching them, all confused but also curious about what was going on.
" what about the throne?" Lloyd angrily replies. What was she up to!? Was she pointing at him and calling him stupid for not noticing small details from his past?
" come on Lloyd! Don't you remember!?" Skylor called out after him. He probably didn't remember her from the days with the league, but she remembered him...
Lloyd angrily turns around to leave her, wanting to leave everyone. He was mad. Really mad and he wanted to take revenge on whoever killed his brother... he wanted someone to pay for the evil that had been done...
Kai gently puts a had onto Skylors shoulder and she quietly lowers her head. She hadn't meant to upset him... and she knew Lloyd was going through a hard time not.. so were the others, but right now... they had to stop the league from return the dark lord.. save more lives in the proses.

" just give him a little bit of time... I know we need to hurry.. but I don't think we're able to gather ourselves right away... but let's get the bounty ready, alright?" Kai smiles up at her with sad eyes and Skylor quietly nods.
" alright... sorry, I absolute understand." She replies and together, she and Kai heads towards the bounty.
Cole who had been unusually quiet for the moment slowly turns to Jey who was gently holding Nya's hand in his own.
" you... you think Seliel.. survived?" Cole whispers to Jey and Jey tut his head slightly to look at his best friend.
" I don't know Cole... I really hope she did.. but don't you think she would... contact us..? I mean.. she was carrying your communicator..." Jey replies and Cole slowly nods in agreement. She should have tried to contact them... that was true, but the possibility of it be just destroyed was also there.
" maybe... maybe Brine even killed her... or they both died together.. I think they knew each other... I think Skylor also knew her..." Jey tells her.
Cole couldn't stand to hear more. He wasn't sure why but he truly had cared for Seliel... she wasn't like normal girls out there... she was brave and strong...
all he could hope for was for her to be alright, wherever she was alive or gone...

Lloyd grabs the katakana from sensei Wu's wall. He knew he wasn't really supposed to be there, but he had no choice. He was going to face great evil alone. No one else were allowed to be hurt...
As quiet as he could, he opens the window to his sensei's room and slowly climes out.
No more kills for the x squadron ever again..

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